麥卡錫吁國土安全部長-拜登-FBI-CIA-司法部長全辭職 進行彈劾調查


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麥卡錫吁國土安全部長-拜登-FBI-CIA-司法部長全辭職 擬進行彈劾調查
送交者: BBC-CNN-CCP-VOA-RFI 于 May 18, 2023 05:27:41:

麥卡錫吁國土安全部長-拜登-FBI-CIA-司法部長全辭職 擬進行彈劾調查

送交者: BBC-CNN-CCP-VOA-RFI 于 November 23, 2022 06:14:57:

麥卡錫吁國土安全部長辭職 擬進行彈劾調查
麥卡錫吁國土安全部長辭職 擬進行彈劾調查
美國眾議院少數党領袖凱文‧麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)呼吁國土安全部長亞歷杭德羅‧馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)辭職。圖為2022年4月28日,在華盛頓特區的國會山,馬約卡斯在眾議院聽証會上作証。(NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)
更新 2022-11-23 11:03 AM 標簽: 麥卡錫, 美墨邊境危机, 國會眾議院, 國土安全部長 Facebook Twitter Line 复制鏈接 Print【字號】 大 中 小正体 簡体
【大紀元2022年11月23日訊】(大紀元記者李馨綜合報導)美國眾議院少數党領袖凱文‧麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)周二(11月22日)呼吁國土安全部長亞歷杭德羅‧馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)辭職,否則明年共和党控制眾議院后,這位部長可能會因其對南部邊境移民危机的處理情況而面臨彈劾調查。

“他的行為引發了有史以來最大的非法移民潮。”麥卡錫在德克薩斯州埃爾帕索市(El Paso)舉行的新聞發布會上說。“這就是為什么今天我要求這位部長辭職。”



麥卡錫列舉了他要求馬約卡斯辭職的理由,包括這位部長對國會所說的邊境處于控制之下、創紀錄的越境人數,以及其結束了川普(特朗普)政府時期實施的“留在墨西哥”(Remain in Mexico)庇護政策。




麥卡錫還說,他已經分別与眾議院司法委員會首席共和党議員吉姆‧喬丹(Jim Jordan)以及監督与改革委員會首席共和党議員詹姆斯‧科默(James Comer)談過,他們完全支持他調查邊境的“崩潰”狀況。






麥卡錫吁國土安全部長-拜登-FBI-CIA-司法部長全辭職 擬進行彈劾調查
送交者: BBC-CNN-CCP-VOA-RFI 于 November 23, 2022 06:14:57:

麥卡錫吁國土安全部長辭職 擬進行彈劾調查
麥卡錫吁國土安全部長辭職 擬進行彈劾調查
美國眾議院少數党領袖凱文‧麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)呼吁國土安全部長亞歷杭德羅‧馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)辭職。圖為2022年4月28日,在華盛頓特區的國會山,馬約卡斯在眾議院聽証會上作証。(NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)
更新 2022-11-23 11:03 AM 標簽: 麥卡錫, 美墨邊境危机, 國會眾議院, 國土安全部長 Facebook Twitter Line 复制鏈接 Print【字號】 大 中 小正体 簡体
【大紀元2022年11月23日訊】(大紀元記者李馨綜合報導)美國眾議院少數党領袖凱文‧麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)周二(11月22日)呼吁國土安全部長亞歷杭德羅‧馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)辭職,否則明年共和党控制眾議院后,這位部長可能會因其對南部邊境移民危机的處理情況而面臨彈劾調查。

“他的行為引發了有史以來最大的非法移民潮。”麥卡錫在德克薩斯州埃爾帕索市(El Paso)舉行的新聞發布會上說。“這就是為什么今天我要求這位部長辭職。”



McCarthy cited his reasons for asking Mayorkas to resign, including what the minister told Congress the border was under control, a record number of people crossing the border, and the end of the Trump administration-era " Remain in Mexico" asylum policy.

"Our country may never recover from the failure of Secretary Mayorkas," McCarthy said.

"The American public deserves more, deserves better, and expects more from their government," he said. "Enough is enough. We will do whatever it takes."

The Republican leader's comments were his strongest yet on the question of impeachment, but he did not commit to bringing forward articles of impeachment against Mayorkas.

McCarthy also said he has spoken separately with the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, and James Comer, the top Republican on the Oversight and Reform Committee, and they fully support his investigation into the border "collapse." situation.

Republicans are increasingly calling for Majorkas' impeachment, which has been pounding the border since early 2021 because of his handling of the crisis. The number of illegal cross-border immigrants encountered by border enforcement agents continues to increase, exceeding 1.7 million in FY 2021 and 2.3 million in FY 2022. There will not be much relief in fiscal year 2023, and the number of people in October this year alone exceeded 230,000, the highest number for an October in many years. Meanwhile, an average of more than 2,500 illegal immigrants evade border patrol agents every day.

"I'm going to go down and sit down with Border Patrol agents and get a first-hand account of what happened today because I don't believe what Secretary Mayorkas is saying to the nation," McCarthy said ahead of his visit to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Republicans pointed directly at the core of the leadership of the Biden administration in this crisis-Majokas. The secretary has angered Republicans by repeatedly claiming that the border is "secure," and at a time when Republicans have accused the Biden administration of its open-border policy, the Department of Homeland Security has claimed the border is "closed."

McCarthy has won the nomination of speaker at the House of Representatives Republican Conference. If he can get 218 votes in favor of the whole house in early January next year, he will become the next speaker of the House of Representatives.

Responsible Editor: Ye Ziwei#

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