

送交者: 魔鬼治我的世界 于 March 18, 2024 07:08:58:


一生力挺中民遠垂駁拿T周以德(Walter Judd)有句名言“20世教我一件事共永是共﹔不能λ謝孟搿!邊@位M世(1994年去世,享年96q)的美渭乙簧垂玻伯a邪河猩羈陶J知。在21世的今天,更可看出周以德的真知灼,因中共建政后,在]有外砬致緣暮推r期,竟擄飼f中慫烙諂群Α腿檎叩拇簫|荒。在,共不Hχ耍踔劣貌《局\害世界,氯|人感染,400人噬p>然中共否,但各研究和@示,新冠病毒磣災h病毒研究所,K且很可能是中共研的生物武器。方面都可看出:



第三,中共官方曾,病毒磣院ur市齙尿稹5市齙尿盜亢苡邢蓿抑淥胤揭燦瀉芏囹穡槭顫N其它地方的蝙蝠]病毒,衹有武h的有?砦人把蝙蝠作槊朗常兩袢栽誄裕觴N全世界其它有蝙蝠的地方都]事,偏偏武h的蝙蝠就有病毒?因槲h病毒所一直在大量收集和蝙蝠,所主要研究T石正曾撰文解,怎尿鷓醒u出更容易空庵韃牟《盡K015年融姓f,要研合人韃男虜《荊磧怯紗搜邪l出“疫苗”。但造威全人的《荊壞痘虯l生事故,后果不堪想!美r就有200多名科W家反κ研游鋝《鶻o人(spillover potential),橐壞┌l生外泄斐扇祟大碾y。法《<搖屠璋褪康W院Simon Wain Hobson教授受《法V》指出:石正一直致力研究“病毒基因增加新的gong能使它能蛑苯癰腥救梭w胞,或者使病毒能蛑苯油ㄟ^空魅盡保f是要用它研出疫苗,但是“狂的研究,人冒著不必要的,所以我初就十分反Α!p>第四,H上很多科W家都指出,新冠病毒不可能是磣游淖勻謊葑,因需要很多年的,而新冠病毒的迅速出和《荊@示它是人工物。最重要的牽繚諞櫬蟊l之前,武毒所的石正就宣布已成gong研出“疫苗”。]有病毒,哪淼囊咼紓窟@序本身更明,他先造出“病毒”,然后又展出疫苗,毒源就在中h!



1,美渡淦鞣純址菲鴆萑rancis Boyle教授﹔
2,美堡大W生物信息WJames Lyons-Weiler教授﹔
3,法Z得主、病毒<uc Montagnier教授﹔
4,法W家Jean-Claude Perrez(Luc教授合作)﹔
5,德h堡大W知名奈米物理W家Roland Wiesendanger教授﹔
6,俄尖微生物W家Peter Chumakov教授﹔
7,中W家舨浚l表多份重量研究蟾媯br>8,磧7美@氖瀾W家Steven Quay博士﹔
9,英敦討未W瘤WAngus Dalgleish教授﹔
10,挪威病毒W家Birger S�0�3rensen博士……

上述英團餐晌<醫一年多手研究后表蟾嬤賦觶鹿誆《臼俏h病毒室造的。他研究疫苗r在新冠病毒中了“人工痕”,痕衹能在室操作生。他特e指出,室想通基因的“逆向工程”掩蓋痕,使病毒看起硐袷尿鶘砩涎懟p>川普政府r的美部行模DC)主任Robert Redfield最近接受CNN裨Lr,他已不喂俾,可自由表看法了。他椴《靜豢贍蓯怯沈韉餃說模蛉縭游模≡w需很r演化,也不《盡K慕Y:新冠病毒是人工造的,磣暈h室。


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Submitted by: The devil rules our world on January 19, 2024 06:25:07:

Cao Changqing: The evil of the Communist Party is beyond imagination! The American Democratic Party and the Chinese Communist Party are both made up of scum!

U.S. Congressman Walter Judd, who has always supported the Republic of China and staunchly anti-communist, famously said: "The 20th century has taught us one thing: the Communist Party will always be the Communist Party; we must not have any illusions about it." This century-spanning (1994) The American politician who passed away at the age of 96 was an anti-communist throughout his life and had a deep understanding of the evil of the Communist Party. Today in the 21st century, Zhou Yide's insights can be seen even more clearly, because after the founding of the Communist Party of China, during a period of peace without external aggression, 80 million Chinese people died of persecution, shooting, and famine due to man-made policies. Now, the Communist Party not only kills Chinese people, but also uses the virus to kill the world, causing 200 million people to be infected and 4 million people to die around the world!

Although the CCP denies it, various studies and evidence show that the new coronavirus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and is likely to be a biological weapon developed by the CCP. This can be seen from several aspects:

First, the whole world is asking, why did the epidemic first appear in Wuhan, China? The answer is clear: because China’s only highest-level (and of course the most poisonous) virus research institute is in Wuhan. China has more than 9 million square kilometers and more than 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Why did the epidemic break out in Wuhan? This is like trying to find the "center" of an earthquake. The Wuhan virus is the place where the epidemic broke out. There is no doubt in the world that the name "Wuhan virus" is a factual name.

Second, does the fact that Wuhan is where the virus is located prove that the virus came from it? There are at least two important reasons: the Wuhan seafood market where the epidemic was first discovered is very close to the Wuhan poisoning station. In the past, Chinese virus researchers have sold experimental organisms to the pet market for profit, and were caught and sentenced in many cases. Therefore, the earliest outbreak discovered in the Wuhan seafood market was probably leaked there by the Wuhan Institute of Toxicology. Secondly, according to intelligence obtained by the United States, as early as November 2019, three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were infected and were sent to the hospital with symptoms of the new coronavirus. The wife of one of them died as a result. This further proves that the "source of poison" is in the Wu Poison Institute!

Third, Chinese Communist Party officials have emphasized that the virus came from bats in the seafood market. But the number of bats in this market is very limited, and there are many bats in other places in China. Why do bats in other places not have the virus, but only those in Wuhan? Malaysians regard bats as a delicacy and still eat them today. Why are there no problems with bats in other places around the world, but bats in Wuhan have viruses? Because the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been collecting and experimenting with bats in large numbers, Shi Zhengli, the main researcher at the institute, once wrote an article explaining how to develop viruses from bats that are more easily transmitted in the air. In her 2015 financing plan, she stated that she would develop a new virus suitable for human-to-human transmission, on the grounds that a "vaccine" would be developed from it. But if this kind of poison is created that threatens all mankind, once it is leaked or an accident occurs, the consequences will be disastrous! At that time, more than 200 scientists in the United States opposed Shi Zhengli's research on the spillover potential of animal viruses to humans, believing that a leak would cause a catastrophe for mankind. Professor Simon Wain Hobson, a well-known French virus expert and professor at the Pasteur School in Paris, said in an interview with France Broadcasting Corporation: Shi Zhengli has been committed to researching "adding new functions to viral genes so that they can directly infect human cells, or enable the virus to be directly transmitted through the air." ", saying that it was going to be used to develop a vaccine, but this was "crazy research that put humans at unnecessary risk, so I was very opposed to it at the beginning."

Fourth, many scientists in the world have pointed out that the new coronavirus cannot be a natural evolution from animals, because it requires many years of transformation. The rapid emergence and high toxicity of the new coronavirus show that it is an artificial product. The most important evidence here is that long before the outbreak of the epidemic, Shi Zhengli and others from the Wuhan Institute of Toxicology announced that they had successfully developed a "vaccine." Without the virus, where would the vaccine come from? This sequence itself shows that they first created the "virus" and then developed a vaccine. The source of the virus is in Wuhan, China!

Fifth, the Wuhan Virus Laboratory is the only highest-level (most toxic) research institution in China. It is not affiliated with Wuhan, nor is it under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province. It is affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is known as a military research base. Many scientists in the world believe that the new coronavirus is likely to be a biological weapon developed by the Chinese Communist Party. After the outbreak, the CCP sent an "investigation team" to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The team leader was not an ordinary scientist, but Chen Wei, a CCP biological weapons expert and PLA major general. If the Institute of Toxicology is not researching biological weapons, why should it send "biological weapons experts"? If the WDU is not a military institution, why should a "Major General of the People's Liberation Army" be sent there? This is clearly self-inflicted: the Wuhan Institute of Poison is the Chinese Communist Party’s military agency, and the new coronavirus is a biological weapon! Otherwise, there is no need to artificially create the poison in advance.

Sixth, with the CCP ruling the country under a dictatorial system and at a time when the epidemic is serious, after the investigation team led by Major General Chen Wei entered the Wuhan Poison Institute, it should have a rough result within ten and a half months. However, it has been a year and a half since the investigation team was stationed. , no investigation results were announced. From basic common sense and logic, this is not to investigate, but to destroy evidence! If the "poison source" is not the Wuhan Poison Laboratory, Chen Wei's investigation team should immediately tell the world that there is no problem with the Wudu Poison Laboratory and it is safe; and it is not a biological weapons institution of the People's Liberation Army. But none of this happened, and it was not self-inflicted: the problem lies with the WDU, the superiors are the military, and the superiors are the Chinese Communist Party and Xi Jinping! They are the most fundamental source of poison!

Seventh, although the CCP denies that the Wuhan Poison Institute is the "source of the poison" and insists that the new coronavirus comes from animals, internationally renowned biologists and virus experts have discovered its artificial traces through research. Just as criminals leave fingerprints when committing crimes, international experts found after studying virus samples that there are "fingerprints" left by artificial modifications of bat viruses. The experts who discovered this "fingerprint" come from many countries. From common sense, it is impossible for scientists to live in different countries and lie and fabricate about the same thing at the same time. The most likely thing is that "heroes see the same thing" and at the same time Discover the problem. From my limited reading, I can see that scientists from the following countries tend to believe that the new coronavirus is an artificial product:

1. Professor Francis Boyle, the drafter of the U.S. "Biological and Chemical Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act";
2. Professor James Lyons-Weiler of Bioinformatics at the University of Pittsburgh;
3. Professor Luc Montagnier, French Nobel Prize winner and virus expert;
4. French biomathematician Jean- Claude Perrez (collaborating with Professor Luc);
5. Professor Roland Wiesendanger, a well-known nanophysicist at the University of Hamburg in Germany;
6. Professor Peter Chumakov, a top Russian microbiologist;
7. Dr. Yan Limeng, a Chinese scientist (publishing multiple heavyweight research reports) ;
8. Dr. Steven Quay, a world-renowned scientist with 87 US patents;
9. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St. George's University, London, UK;
10. Dr. Birger S�0�3rensen, a Norwegian virologist...

After more than a year of joint research, the two experts from the UK and Norway issued a report stating that the new coronavirus was created by the Wuhan Virus Laboratory. When they were studying the vaccine, they discovered "artifact traces" in the new coronavirus, which can only be produced by laboratory operations. They specifically pointed out that the laboratory wanted to cover up traces through genetic "reverse engineering" to make the virus look like it evolved from bats.

Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the Trump administration, said in a recent interview with CNN that he no longer holds an official position and is free to express his views. He believes that the virus cannot be transmitted from bats to humans, because if it is from animals, the pathogen will take a long time to evolve and it will never be so virulent. His conclusion: The new coronavirus was man-made and came from a Wuhan laboratory.

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the intelligence department of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), a well-known U.S. nuclear weapons designer, completed a confidential report in May last year, concluding that the new coronavirus may have originated in China. laboratory.



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