

送交者: 聯邦政府大總統 于 April 05, 2024 07:11:54:

送交者: 聯邦政府大總統袁紅冰与高貴的靈魂對話──為高智晟《中華聯邦共和國憲法》序 于 August 14, 2023 12:37:15:

送交者: 連綁匪都不如的共匪 于 August 13, 2023 06:10:48:

陳光誠 Guangcheng Chen
Oversæt Tweet

回答: 高智晟 世界各國際吁制裁中共!斯卜耍綣卜耍由 《s光w高智晟》 于 August 14, 2021 08:10:16:








































【‘ 桂 民 海 ’ 被 二 進 宮, 与 中 共 的 貓 鼠 游 戲 !】


2015年10月17日,‘桂民海’ 在泰國芭提雅公寓被中共神祕特工綁架失蹤,隨后几名男子(中共特工)非法抄家、搜查其公寓。
2017年在瑞典當局的努力營救下,獲悉 桂民海 終于獲釋,瑞典方面得知桂民海 在中共拘押期間身患重病,得了肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化癥(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,簡稱ALS)的病,打算接回瑞典進行醫治。但是桂民海女兒Angela一直未能与父親桂民海取得聯絡,也不知道他身在何方,知道父親桂民海一直都沒有自由,獲釋是中共放出的假消息。其實是中共為了平息國際輿論玩的欲擒故縱的把戲!
2018年1月,桂民海 在前往北京的火車上遭內地中共便衣人員強行帶走,陪同他前往的還有瑞典駐上海領事館的兩名外交官,列車快到北京時,便衣警察在火車上,把桂民海抓走。這群人大約有十個左右,他們穿著便衣上了火車,把桂民海從火車上強行帶走。







送交者: 香港國陽光燦爛 于 November 19, 2019 08:07:11:




送交者: 習近平說等不及了! 于 October 23, 2019 04:38:11:


2019年10月1日 做的緊 死的快!




2019年11月15日 中華聯邦大總統 彭明



送交者: 天滅中共大聯盟 于 October 5, 2019 06:08






一、 原有香港特別行政區政府各部門歸入香港臨時政府管理。

二、 原有香港特別行政區政府行政長官、各司長、各局長及副局長,各部門首長及副首長馬上离任及懸空職位,直至香港臨時政府委任。

三、 各部門馬上停止自二O一八年起所有由香港特別行政區政府所頒布之新政策,各級人員保留其職位,并維持各部門必要之日常運作,直至另行通知。

四、 香港臨時政府任期為五年或直至以全民提名及普選政府之体制及政府首長(以較短日期為准)。香港臨時政府必需在成立起計一年內籌備選舉,并于三年內完成選舉。

五、 香港臨時政府首長及各部門之臨時委任官員,在其任期結束后,終身不可擔任香港政府及公營机构之任何官職及受薪之決策人員。

六、 《香港法律》各條文暫予以保留,直至香港臨時政府頒布新法律。

七、 解散香港立法會,并于三個月內進行選舉臨時立法會,一年內重新選舉立法會。臨時立法會議員席位為七十席。其中香港島、九龍西選區十二席,九龍東十席,新界西、新界東選區十八席。

最后編輯時間: 2019-10-04 23:08:24



送交者: 香港國陽光燦爛 于 October 20, 2019 05:03:30:

----------------頌 香 港 學 子----------

不要再做支那豬!!!《s光w香港》! ! !


2019-06-17 于哥本哈根



2019-07-01 于中共國-北平


2019-07-12 中共國 中南海



2019-08-01 -------- 北平大俠



2019-8月1日-------- 与共匪一起攬著死



2019年8月1日 -------- 衹要是人都應為香港人抗暴發聲



2019年8月2日 香港國大廚--陽光燦爛














2019年八月八日 贈共匪寵幸的林鄭月娥小姐



給共匪送終! 出兵鎮壓死的快,讓步可以苟且生,權



2019年八月 中共鬼上身日









英雄的香港國人民--------人生自古誰無死!留取丹心照漢青!!! 蔚靡簧砉校陌嚴盎世侶恚。。p>2019年八月給共匪送終日



2019年9月9日 德國圣母婊默克爾歸西前







送交者: 中華聯邦政府 于 October 06, 2019 04:04:36:









送交者: -中國聯合政府 于 October 06, 2019 04:02:38:









送交者: 中國過渡政府 于 October 06, 2019 04:00:33:









送交者: 中國聯邦政府 于 October 05, 2019 22:28:39:









送交者: 給偉大的香港人 于 October 05, 2019 13:54:29





不要再做支那豬!!!《s光w香港》! ! !


2019-11-11 哥本哈根 八十老叟玩命了





2019-11-11 川普是上帝的兒子還是魔鬼撒旦?



送交者: 菜蠅蚊是共匪臥底! 于 January 14, 2020 14:11:35:

回答: 徐文立:三蔡英文:倘若作了假,能蜃叨噙h? 由 菜蠅蚊是共匪臥底! 于 January 13, 2020 07:15:21:





丹麥地標被涂“光复香港” , 美人魚妝扮得更美、更靚!

送交者: BBC-CNN-CCP-VOA-RFI 于 January 15, 2020 01:02:05:

丹麥地標被涂“光复香港” 美人魚像被損壞的歷史

丹麥著名地標美人魚像,近日被圩雜劭破勖闌娜聳顆縞稀ree Hong Kong(光复香港),《s光w香港》!”口號。該雕像過往曾多次被涂鴉及損毀,更在1964年及1998年兩次被“斬首”。



A Dialogue between Yuan Hongbing, President of the Federal Government and the Noble Soul - Preface to Gao Zhisheng's "Constitution of the Federal Republic of China"
All Posts﹒Add Posts﹒Forum Home
Submitted by: President of the Federal Government of China on July 06, 2022 11:21:16:

Answer: "Live to see people, die to see corpses." Gao Zhisheng was missing for more than 1,000 days. Geng He urged the world to recognize the hideous face of the CCP! By the Communist bandits who are worse than the kidnappers on August 14, 2021 08:13:29:

Answer: Geng He: The never-failing spirit of Gao Zhisheng, the messenger of God----my Mr. Gao Zhisheng, where are you? ! By as long as everyone remembers you on June 30, 2019 13:48:53:

Answer: Concerned about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, the Danish parliament held a special defense, and ending the CCP’s tyranny is the solution! By Communist is Satan the Devil on April 10, 2018 09:51:05:

Answer: [‘Gui Minhai’ was brought into the palace for a second time, playing a cat-and-mouse game with the CCP! 】 Expose the CCP by the Anti-Communist Alliance on February 08, 2018 04:14:40:

Answer: ["Voice of America" ​​is the CCP's spy base! 】 By by the World Anti-Communist Alliance on December 20, 2017 05:05:55:

The history of human civilization is essentially the history of will; the direct driving force for the great transformation of human society stems from a clear and firm political will that is consistent with the wishes of the majority of people. In a historical stage from now on, the political will of the democratic revolution will gradually dominate China's destiny, and become the spiritual force to completely deny the totalitarian and autocratic rule of the CCP, realize constitutional democracy, and create a federal China.

The one-party autocratic system established by the CCP bureaucracy with the violence of the nature of state terrorism completely denies the principle of "sovereignty in the people"; the CCP's tyranny is a police state that deprives the people of their right to political choice. The monopoly of state power by the CCP bureaucracy goes against the spirit of modern law and is therefore not legitimate in any sense. China's current political system is essentially the private ownership of the CCP bureaucracy of state power. Private ownership of state power is illegal.

The entire history of the CCP has proved that the extreme totalitarian despotism of Marxism-Leninism constitutes the fundamental political will of the CCP. In a spiritual sense, the CCP is a foreign regime that imposes political slavery on the Chinese people. The CCP's rule over China for more than half a century is the process of China becoming a spiritual and cultural colony of Marxism-Leninism. The CCP bureaucracy is nothing but a political agent for Marxism-Leninism to exercise absolute spiritual rule over China.

The entire history of the CCP proves that the CCP bureaucracy is the most thorough traitorous group in Chinese history. For the survival and security of the CCP’s totalitarian autocracy, the CCP bureaucracy not only ceded large tracts of territory to foreign countries, but also recognized the legitimacy of Russia’s occupation of vast territories in China through international treaties. What is even more unforgivable is that the CCP bureaucracy has betrayed the cultural motherland. The history after the establishment of the Communist Party of China is not only the process of China becoming a Marxist-Leninist spirit and a cultural colony, but also the process of the CCP bureaucracy destroying the traditional Chinese cultural spirit in the name of Marxism-Leninism.
All history since the CCP used political violence to monopolize state power has proved that the CCP bureaucracy is a criminal group that commits crimes against humanity in the nature of state terrorism. All social tragedies in modern China are the political result of the CCP's tyranny. The CCP bureaucracy used its authoritarian power to commit a series of crimes against humanity, such as massacre of the people, enslavement of the people, political persecution, genocide, cultural genocide, genocide, and plundering of society and citizens' wealth. Tens of millions of Chinese have lost their lives in various social tragedies created by the CCP's tyranny.

The current situation of the CCP proves that the CCP bureaucracy is a power corrupt group composed of thousands of corrupt officials and an economic criminal group that uses state power to embezzle and pay bribes and plunder the wealth of society and the people. The economic reforms led by the CCP finally formed a powerful capital market economic system. The powerful capital market economy is an economic mechanism in which corrupt officials and corrupt officials use their corrupt power to form alliances with profiteers and literati to plunder the wealth of society and ordinary people in the name of legality. This economic system will inevitably lead to extreme polarization of wealth and power, relative or absolute poverty of ordinary people, and extreme social injustice.

The current situation of the CCP proves that the CCP bureaucracy is a mafia that relies on violence and lies to maintain its autocratic rule. The political and moral foundation of the CCP has collapsed. The only political intention of the CCP bureaucracy is to use corrupt power to seize privileged interests. In order to realize the anti-people and anti-society political intentions, the CCP bureaucracy uses the army, police, and secret agents to implement Mafia-style rule, resulting in numerous cases of injustice, misery of the injustices, and no social justice.

The CCP's tyranny, dubbed the "People's Republic of China", definitely does not belong to the "Second Republic" as the pseudo-liberal intellectuals assert. In essence, the tyranny of the Communist Party of China only uses dictatorship to destroy human rights, and dictatorship to destroy the rule of the anti-human criminal group of the Republic. Associating CCP tyranny with the concept of "republic" is both an insult to the concept of republic and a fundamental distortion of the truth. Calling the CCP's tyranny the "Second Republic" is an ideological conspiracy by pseudo-liberal intellectuals to blur the principled boundaries between autocracy and democracy, dictatorship and republic.

History written in blood and facts cast in iron prove that the CCP bureaucracy is the source of China’s suffering, the source of great social tragedy, and the source of social injustice─the CCP bureaucracy is the root of all evil and the public enemy of the people. Only by denying the autocratic rule of the CCP bureaucracy can China get rid of the spirit of Marxism-Leninism and the fate of a cultural colony, rebuild the spirit of Chinese culture, and realize the social ideal of universal freedom and happiness for the Chinese people.

At different times in history, there have been people with lofty ideals within the CCP who rose up against the CCP’s totalitarian dictatorship and called for freedom and democracy. The final tragic situation of these people with lofty ideals proves their bravery and nobility, and also proves that it is impossible for the CCP bureaucracy to implement political reforms that lead to freedom and democracy. Through the contemporary democratic revolution, the tyranny of the CCP has been completely denied, and the final political basis for this totalitarian dictatorship has become the requirement of the times for human progress.

The connotation of the contemporary Chinese democratic revolution can be expressed as follows: take the people's activities to safeguard basic human rights and resist tyranny as the main body, unite the people with lofty ideals in the CCP, the government, and the army who pursue freedom and democracy, and finally form a political uprising of the people and general social resistance. The movement, using all means allowed by modern human reason and conscience, completely denies the totalitarian and autocratic rule of the CCP bureaucracy, and clears political obstacles for the establishment of a constitutional and democratic federal China.

The overall political goals of the contemporary Chinese democratic revolution can be summarized as follows: expel Marxism-Leninism and rebuild China; deny tyranny and establish civil rights; implement the rule of law and constitutional democracy; republic of all ethnic groups and create a federation.

The process of the democratic revolution must also be a process of social transformation at the same time. Social reform in contemporary China should follow the following four basic principles:

1. Abolish the political system in which state power is actually privately owned by the CCP bureaucracy, and establish a constitutional democracy based on the principle of sovereignty in the people and the separation of powers and checks and balances.

2. Abolish the system in which the CCP bureaucracy monopolizes land ownership in the name of the state, that is, abolish the de facto private ownership of land by the CCP bureaucracy, and establish a system that equally guarantees the ability of every Chinese citizen to own land through a fair and equitable process of land distribution.

3. Abolish the CCP's tyranny's market economic system with corrupt power as the axis and the power and money transaction as the basic feature, eliminate the root cause of the extreme polarization of wealth and rights, and establish an economic system based on equality of civil rights, which reflects fair competition and humanity. Principles of a free market economy.

4. Abolish the state form that is suitable for the totalitarian rule of the CCP bureaucracy and the cultural genocide of ethnic minorities, and establish a federal system based on the principle of republic of various ethnic groups and regions.

The four principles of political and social transformation listed above can be summarized into the four major policies of the democratic revolution, namely, returning power to the people, returning land to the people, returning wealth to the people, and republicanism of all ethnic groups.

The fundamental cause of the democratic revolution lies in the CCP bureaucracy─the traitorous group that betrays the spirit of Chinese culture, the corrupt officials’ group that destroys social justice, the crime-ridden crime against humanity group that uses state violence to oppress ordinary people. The mafia group - the inevitable human rights disaster, people's suffering and social tragedy; nothing else, it is the evil of the CCP's tyranny that gave birth to the contemporary Chinese democratic revolution.

All those who have been tortured, tortured, bullied, trampled on, and humiliated by the CCP's tyranny are the social forces of the democratic revolution. The 900 million peasants who have been deprived of the ability to own land and are in the status of "untouchables", the contemporary slave labor group migrant workers who have been deprived of their basic human rights, and the laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises who have been deprived of their basic living conditions. Millions of "petitioners", relocated households in urban and rural areas who have been deprived of their right to live and use land, retired soldiers who are unemployed, college students who are unemployed after graduation, and private enterprises that have been robbed by corrupt officials at all levels. Homeowners and small businessmen, ordinary soldiers and grassroots officers who have been bullied and oppressed by the military bureaucracy, CCP members who have been persecuted for expressing their ideals of pursuing political democracy and social justice, and who have been persecuted due to the brutal power struggle within the CCP system People from all walks of life, including officials who purged and recognized the anti-human nature of the CCP's tyranny, together constitute the social foundation of the democratic revolution. The revolutionary party members whose mission is to create a free China will become the symbol of the political will of the democratic revolution and the backbone of the democratic revolution.

The primary goal of the democratic revolution is to completely deny the tyranny of the CCP, that is, to completely deny the private ownership of the CCP bureaucracy of state power, as well as the entire legal system attached to this political system. There are two types of targets that the democratic revolution will surely strike and punish:

1. Corrupt officials who commit crimes such as massacre of the people, enslavement of the people, political persecution, genocide, torture, the use of corrupt power to seize the wealth of society and ordinary people, and the crime of selling national interests; among them, those who continue to commit crimes and refuse to repent , is the main target of the democratic revolution to strike and punish.

2. Corrupt officials who dare to use the autocratic power of the nature of state terrorism to confront and suppress the democratic revolution; among them, those who issued the suppression order, directly commanded the suppression, and those who bear the blood debt in the suppression are the primary targets of the democratic revolution to crack down and punish.

To assert that the democratic revolution means mob and violence - this is the most vicious slander of the democratic revolution by the ideological lackeys and pseudo-liberal intellectuals of the CCP's tyranny.

The history of more than half a century after the establishment of the CCP has long told people that the CCP’s totalitarian and autocratic regime is the source of violence of the nature of state terrorism; the state violence controlled by the CCP’s bureaucratic group is the source of crime, terror and pain; denying the CCP’s tyranny By depriving the CCP bureaucracy of its ability to control state violence, China can get rid of the rule of violence. The Great Democratic Revolution is the complete denial of the CCP's tyranny, and therefore the natural enemy of state-terrorism-type violence. Only the great democratic revolution can destroy the tyranny of the CCP, the source of violence in this country, the source of evil, terror and suffering, and clear the political obstacles to the establishment of a free, democratic and peaceful society.

While affirming the democratic revolution as a complete denial of state violence, it is necessary to reaffirm the following rights of natural justice belonging to the people:

1. Under the circumstance that the CCP’s tyranny is backed by violence of the nature of state terrorism and uses its authoritarian legislative, executive, and judicial powers to deprive the people of various basic human rights, the people have the right to use their own methods to implement legitimate defense and safeguard basic human rights. against tyranny.

2. When the CCP’s tyranny directly uses the military, police, prisons and other state violence to suppress the people’s just actions to safeguard basic human rights and fight against the tyranny, the people have the right to revolt, and the people have the right to completely deny the CCP’s tyranny through uprisings.

Upholding basic human beings and resisting tyranny; holding uprisings, resisting violent repression by tyranny, and implementing legitimate self-defense; through national uprisings, denying CCP tyranny─these three political rights of the oppressed are naturally just, in line with the spirit of modern law, and belong to the people legitimate political coercion. Only when the legitimate political coercive power of the people is affirmed by history in both the theoretical and practical senses, will the totalitarian and autocratic state violence of the CCP be denied by history.

Before the tyranny, the people gave up everything if they gave up their right of legitimate self-defense and legal political coercion. Rights protection and anti-violence is a social movement for the people to realize their legitimate political coercive power.

The CCP bureaucracy has completely lost the political will and political capacity for political reform. Spreading the illusion of political reform under this circumstance is a betrayal of the historical truth, and its effect is only to hinder the formation of the political will of the democratic revolution and prolong the existence of the CCP's tyranny. The CCP bureaucracy has brought state violence to the extreme, the polarization of wealth and power, and social injustice have also developed to the extreme. Under such circumstances, calling for obedience and forgiveness of tyranny is a betrayal of justice, and its effect is only to delay the outbreak of the democratic revolution, prolong China's humiliation as a spiritual and cultural colony of Marxism-Leninism, and prolong the suffering of the Chinese people.

We, those who are determined to undertake the sacred mission of the democratic revolution, hereby declare: we will never submit to the authority of tyranny, because to obey means forever being the political slave of totalitarian despotism; we will never reconcile with tyranny, because reconciliation means A betrayal of China's past suffering and an unjust recognition of China's reality; we will never compromise with tyranny, because there is no possibility of compromise between freedom and slavery; we will never forgive tyranny, because not all sins can be forgiven , the unforgivable crimes against humanity of the CCP’s tyranny have disqualified it from being forgiven.

──Never obey, never reconcile, never compromise, never forgive, until the CCP bureaucracy, as a criminal organization for crimes against humanity, accepts a historic justice trial. The trial of the CCP's tyranny will not only be a sign of the victory of the democratic revolution, but also the starting point of China's restoration of justice and democratic governance.

The only political ideal of the revolutionaries is to completely deny the totalitarian dictatorship of the CCP and create a federal China with constitutional democracy. Revolutionaries never betray their ideals; revolutionaries never seek to monopolize state power; revolutionaries never seek to obtain state power through democratic revolution. The ultimate goal of the revolutionaries is limited to establishing a constitutional democratic politics and a modern legal order with the principle of sovereignty in the people as the soul, and returning the people's political choice to the people. The revolutionaries adhere to the political philosophy that anyone in control of state power must be placed under the people's right of political choice, and the people's right of political choice must be effectively and effectively achieved through open, fair, free, and regular elections. manifestation.
Without the consent of the people, there is no ruler of state power; the political choice of the people constitutes the basis for the legitimacy of state power. The "principle of sovereignty in the people" is the initial and final political principle of the will of the great democratic revolution, and it is also the political belief of the revolutionaries that will never change.

The constitution and laws based on the principle of "sovereignty in the people" should have the highest national authority. There is no more authority above the law, and all citizens have equal rights under the law. The main function of the constitution is to establish civil liberties and establish a system of state power with separate checks and balances between legislation, administration and judiciary. "Protect citizens




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