

送交者: 找操的中共特务张英 于 October 11, 2022 07:07:09:

回答: 张英骗我去台湾观选-却说欧洲各国观选人员由他率领-到泰国集合-帮中共诱捕我 由 操死中共特务张英! 于 October 10, 2022 07:23:48:

回答: 张英骗我去台湾观选-却说欧洲各国观选人员由他率领-到泰国集合-帮中共诱捕我 由 操死中共特务张英! 于 October 09, 2022 05:40:13:


送交者: 张英是中共特务! 于 October 06, 2022 03:22:59:


送交者: 张英帮中共诱捕我! 于 October 04, 2022 10:18:03:










拜登操女兒自產自銷 ,拜登肥水不流外人田,


連襠!拜登和女兒襠連襠! 拜登女兒和普京襠連襠!杨小炎和张




杨光 二〇一一年五月十八日


杨光------------人 生 感 悟











杨光 于2015---09---11,丹麦。


【 往 事 重 提 !】民运队伍里全是我们的人,尤其是各种头头,都是我们安排指定的!

送交者: 送交者:杨光 于 March 28, 2018 12:11:48:








杨光 于 2017年6月22日/丹麦哥本哈根。



送交者: 荷蘭白京生 于 October 28, 2013 07:55:06:

1. 他從前的密友楊小炎,是地地道道江蘇南京派來的特務。他最近的密友王愛鳳,是浙江義烏公安部門外派的女特務,楊小炎現在把她配给了丹麦的張國亭,下面專論。
2. 看他編寫的導報,每一篇都是為共產黨歌功頌德的。
1. 彭明於2004年5月24日所以被誘捕,是楊小炎所設的圈套。這個圈套是這樣的:首先,他提供給彭明一批假人民幣(而他卻移花接木說是楊錚提供)。然後,他誘惑彭明說,泰緬邊境有一個據點,是他楊某人建立的。如果以此為基地,可以建立進攻內地的武裝大本營。彭明對如此大的誘惑,遲疑不決。楊執意摧他前去,結果彭明進入圈套。(如果誰對此有懷疑,可以致電美國的盧杰小姐,彭明的姐姐會證實這一件事。)誘捕彭明成功後,楊小炎得到情治部門一百萬人民幣的獎金。
2. 當年,楊小炎為了和梁華爭奪<中國之春>的發行權互相告上法庭。楊小炎在事前對梁華大打出手,搶走了梁華發行的<中國之春>封面後,汪岷站在梁華那一邊。楊看大勢已去,就買兇去教訓梁華。想不到梁華弱不襟風,兇手誤殺了梁華。那一段時間香港警方努力追查,其中一條線追到了楊小炎。楊小炎稱患癌症,避而不見警方。深圳公安也找到了楊小炎,但楊小炎終能逃過一刧,他的後台不言而喻了。
3. 民運圈子的特務風是楊小炎一手點起的,他曾說這個是特務,那個是特務。他亦曾說,香港中國民主促進會領袖甄燊港也是特務。無他,這是賊喊捉賊的技倆。別人是特務,他順理成章的就不是特務。真是太幼稚,太小兒科了!

於 荷蘭白京生


送交者: 找操的中共特务张英 于 October 07, 2022 05:43:23:


送交者: 张英是中共特务! 于 October 06, 2022 03:22:59:


送交者: 张英帮中共诱捕我! 于 October 04, 2022 10:18:03:










拜登操女兒自產自銷 ,拜登肥水不流外人田,


連襠!拜登和女兒襠連襠! 拜登女兒和普京襠連襠!杨小炎和张




杨光 二〇一一年五月十八日


杨光------------人 生 感 悟











杨光 于2015---09---11,丹麦。


【 往 事 重 提 !】民运队伍里全是我们的人,尤其是各种头头,都是我们安排指定的!

送交者: 送交者:杨光 于 March 28, 2018 12:11:48:








杨光 于 2017年6月22日/丹麦哥本哈根。



送交者: 荷蘭白京生 于 October 28, 2013 07:55:06:

You are really looking for a fuck - you lied to me that the list of delegations to Taiwan to watch the election is still in my hands - you idiot.
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Submitted by: CCP spy Zhang Ying on October 08, 2022 05:31:11:

You are really looking for a fuck - you lied to me that the list of delegations to Taiwan to watch the election is still in my hands - you idiot.

Submitted by: Zhang Ying is a CCP agent! On October 06, 2022 03:22:59:

Zhang Ying lied to me to go to Taiwan to watch the election - but said that he led the audience of European countries - gathered in Thailand - helped the CCP trap me

Submitted by: Zhang Ying helped the CCP trap me! On October 04, 2022 10:18:03:

Zhang Ying - you idiot who doesn't know how to hide when you see a dick - you really want to fuck - you probably forgot

Now, the list of delegations you lied to me to go to Taiwan to watch the election is still in my hands - you idiot. sit

Listen clearly from the wheelchair - you - Yang Xiaoyan and Chen Xizheng are CCP spies

The whole world knows it, and I don't want to say more. You have to force it again---I will focus on you,

Greet you every day—until you are sent to the grave! ! !

The essence of the American Democratic Party---the same bandit-rogue group as the CCP! ! !

Democrats are scumbags

The hooligan character of the Chinese Communist Party - Gao Zhisheng's experience shows that the Communist bandits are not as good as the kidnappers!
The Chinese Communist Party is the devil

Cabbage Mosquito ---- It is a big international fraudster born out of the Kuomintang system and black gold politics. The cabbage mosquito is an undercover CCP bandit!

Biden fucks his daughter to produce and sell it, and Biden's fat and water do not flow to outsiders

Putin and Xittler are in the same crotch! Xi Teller and the cabbage flies are in the crotch! Cabbage Mosquito and Biden Crotch

Even the crotch! Biden and his daughter are in the crotch! Biden's daughter and Putin are in the crotch! Yang Xiaoyan and Zhang

British crotch even crotch! Zhang Ying and Chen Xizheng are in the crotch! These animals and the devil are in the crotch!

The truth about saving Lichick

Mr. Liu Dawen, Editor-in-Chief of Outpost:
Recently, you have written several relevant reports about [Operation Oriole], which are very well written! This is the most authoritative disclosure of the inside story of the Oriole Movement for more than 20 years. I really hope you can continue to write it, so that readers who care about the 1989 Democracy Movement can understand how the people of justice from all walks of life in Hong Kong rescued the persecuted by the CCP at that time. The fugitives did everything they could to lend a helping hand. If at the same time, we can also expose to some extent those ugly little people who are duplicitous and watching the fire from the other side, maybe it will be more helpful for justice!
Of course, a person's contacts and opinions are not necessarily comprehensive. For example, when I contacted and rescued Li Qik, Li Qi Ke handed me his own photocopies in my office. After talking about the situation, I wanted to take him to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, because I had a lot of contact with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner, and there was a gentleman's agreement, but Li Qike said that there are underground organizations in the domestic military, and wrote an article after arriving in Hong Kong. Military organization description. Because I want to claim that it was brought out from China, I found many printing companies, but they are all in traditional Chinese characters. I just found a printing company that can print simplified Chinese characters. It will take the next day to get them out, so I had to send another fax to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. , but at this time Yang Xiaoyan suddenly broke into my office and heard my speech with Li Qike. Yang Xiaoyan took a pen and paper from my desk and said to leave a phone call to Li Qike. The call took 5 minutes to write, and I didn't care. For safety, I took Lichick home to stay and prepare a good dinner for him. But he insisted on going out to make a phone call and said he would be back in a few minutes. But he didn't come back until I woke up at 6 or 7 am the next morning. I had to go to work at 8 o'clock, let him sleep at home by himself, and told him to get up at 12 noon and come to the office to find me and have something to eat. Go to UNHCR. But it wasn't until after get off work that Lichick came to my office. He couldn't say anything about the UNHCR. He wanted to take the suitcase away. A friend arranged accommodation for him. If needed, he would come to me later.
But Mr. Chen from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees called me several times to urge me, and I said that people didn't know where they were going. Let's make another appointment with you in a few days! The next night, Mr. Chen called and said that a leader named Zhang Ying was here, saying that Yang Guang was unreliable, and I came to lead Li Qike as a refugee. Mr. Chen asked Zhang Ying and Li Qike why Yang Guang was unreliable. He has handled so many refugees with us, and we have not found any problems with him. Zhang Ying said, did Yang Guang tell you about Li Qik's handling of refugees? Mr. Chen said that Yang Guang not only called to talk about it, but also sent a fax at the appointed time. He said that he found the fax I sent to Zhang Ying and Li Qike, and said angrily, since you think Yang Guang and our United Nations refugees The commissioner's office is unreliable, so you can find another place to handle it!
Zhang Ying led Li Qike back and met Yang Xiaoyan. Yang Xiaoyan and Boss Chen of the stake are good friends, and Boss Chen handed over Li Qike to the Hong Kong government!
Because the Hong Kong government and the United Nations have regulations: in principle, the Hong Kong government and the United Nations will not accept people from the mainland who are not persecuted, especially if the corrupt officials of the CCP are of little value, they will all be repatriated. In fact, Boss Chen handed Litchick to the Hong Kong government for repatriation. After I found out, I called the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Mr. Chen from the Office of the Commissioner told me that you should immediately send Li Qike's materials to the newspaper office, so that the newspaper office will publish the report tomorrow, and we will use the newspaper to find a dignitary in the Hong Kong government. In this way, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees directly intervened, forcing the US embassy in Hong Kong to arrange for Richie to go to the United States. Editor-in-chief Liu may not know that before coming to find "Outpost", Li Qike had visited many consulates, newspapers and stakes successively.
None of these units helped, and Ambassador Bao Runshi personally received him when he went to the US consulate. He considers that Lichick is worthless and has changed careers, so he refuses to accept him. If it wasn't for the intervention of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Li Qik would definitely be deported to the mainland by the Hong Kong government. If you ask Feng Muqing, an old reporter from the "Oriental Daily", a lieutenant colonel of the Second Artillery Corps is a missile expert who came to Hong Kong to seek freedom, but was sent back to the mainland by the Hong Kong government and sentenced to prison. [97] "Oriental Daily" before the fall of Hong Kong There are reports that this missile expert I know may be tossed to death by the CCP now!
A word for Litchick here. Li Qik asked for help in many ways, and in the case of no one, he clings to you, he bought the "Outpost" on the street, no matter how you look like his savior. In the future, Li Qik regarded you and me as bad people, mainly because of the indoctrination by some people. It is estimated that in my office, in front of me, Yang Xiaoyan said to leave a phone number for Li Qike, and wrote the phone number for 5 minutes. In addition to the phone number, there should be other special content. In an interview with Miss Xin Fei of The Epoch Times, Li Qike said publicly: Yang Xiaoyan told him that Yang Guang is a CCP spy, which can be confirmed. There was a man named Fan Sidong in Seattle, USA, who called me many times, saying that his old friend Yang Xiaoyan said I was a CCP spy. To this end, I once wrote a reply to the CCP thieves calling to catch thieves! This world is so evil, the CCP spies jumped up and down the world [to engage in democracy movement], but they falsely accused those who dug the CCP’s ancestral graves as CCP spies! Leave it to him!

Yang Guang May 18, 2011


Yang Guang------------ life perception

Submitted by: Yang Guang

Recently I wrote a letter to Zhang Ying, wanting to save his pickled soul, but he wrote back to me, to the effect: 'He is from Shanghai, Shanghai people do not attack others' Yang Xiaoyan and Chen Xizheng are small reptiles, he only writes about big men ,leader of a nation. It seems that the life path one chooses cannot be changed, and neither can God. Therefore, God said in the book of Revelation: For those who are not human, they can only be thrown into the lake of fire and turned into smoke. God knows my efforts will be in vain, only when God does it himself!
Look at the virtues of Obama and Putin, and look at the CCP's ability to tell lies, only God can solve them! Ordinary people really can't get hold of them.
I know Zhang Ying very well. He, Yang Xiaoyan and Chen Xizheng have done a lot of hurtful things, and they even conspired to have the CCP secretly arrest me! He lied to me to go to Taiwan to watch the election, but said that he would lead the spectators from various European countries to gather in Thailand, and let me go to Thailand to play with him for a few days. I realized that Thailand is the territory of Yang Xiaoyan and other CCP spies, and I dare not go there. Even though he bought me all the air tickets to Thailand, I can't go there!

Recalling that Li Qike asked for help in Hong Kong in 1995, it should have been Zhang Ying who went to the outpost editorial department to listen to Liu Dawen and asked Li Qike to help me before sending Yang Xiaoyan to our company. This phone call, which took five minutes to write, almost didn't write Li Qike back to the mainland!

Li Qike joined the army as an officer on the basis of his father's background. Maybe it was because he was too smart that he worked as a colonel and then rehabilitated. He was depressed and thought of Hong Kong to go to freedom. He hit the wall again and found the boss of the outpost to help him, and because he was too smart, he ran into the despicable and shameless people like Zhang Ying and Yang Xiaoyan. Almost was sent to the CCP prison. But I wrote an open letter to him so far, but no contact has been made. Zhang Ying and Li Qike are both typical Chinese people. The Chinese people don't want to go to heaven, but they go to hell with all their hearts. Even gods can't save them. God said, "I can only save those who are willing to be saved"! But there are not many Chinese people who are willing to be saved.


An open letter to Mr. 'Litchick'

Submitted by: Yang Guang

Mr. Litchick:
Hello. Because you are not a CCP spy, but only a Chinese who pursues freedom, I am writing this letter to you!
We know that you came to Hong Kong to seek freedom. When you were desperate, you found the outpost editor-in-chief Liu. He wants me to help you, and I help you selflessly. Because of your shrewdness, you were misled by CCP agents Yang Xiaoyan, Chen Xizheng, and Zhang Ying, and you were almost not sent back by the Hong Kong government. You were able to escape the claws of the communist bandits and enter the land of freedom!

If you recognize the faces of CCP spies Yang Xiaoyan, Chen Xizheng, and Zhang Ying, you should stand up and expose them. If you want to devote yourself to the anti-communist cause, please contact the World Anti-Communist Alliance. Contact email: hanyang8964@gmail.com, Anti-Communist Alliance. Will assist you. Before the CCP is about to collapse, help you complete your anti-communist cause!
There are two roads in front of people, heaven and hell. The road of life is twists and turns, and the pursuit of light. Finally, if you take the right path, you will definitely enter heaven. Even if you are deceived and misled, you will be buried with the CCP, and of course you will go to hell! People can not escape from doing wrong. Wake up in time, there is a way to heaven.

The CCP is dying! There is not much time left for people to choose. This is why I am sending you this open letter! To save you. Mingwei!

Yang Guang on 2015---09---11, Denmark.

-------------------------------------------------- ---

【Recalling the past! 】The pro-democracy movement team is full of our people, especially the various leaders, who are all appointed by us!

Submitted by: Submitted by: Yang Guang on March 28, 2018 12:11:48:

At the end of 1993, at Christmas time, a friend in Beijing had morning tea with me and asked me a few questions on behalf of the upper management:

1. You have escaped. If you are willing to go back, we can arrange it for you;

2. If you want to go home to see your eldest sister, we are willing to accompany you back, but you must not go back by yourself. Shenzhen Public Security Bureau has arranged to issue a wanted order to Interpol through the Ministry of Public Security on the charge of fleeing corrupt officials. As long as you are sent back, you will be beaten to death with a rambunctious stick, and then it will be announced to the public that you committed suicide because of fear of crime;

3. The Shenzhen Public Security Bureau considers that Interpol and the Hong Kong government will not believe the nonsense of the Chinese government, and at the same time, they are also trapping you through the agents arranged by the Ministry of State Security in the Hong Kong branch. You must not be fooled. It's just that I don't know the name of the person that the Ministry of State Security arranged in the stake. I told him at the time, then I knew who he was. His name was 'Chen Xizheng' (known in the Jianghu: Boss Chen). This man ordered me many times, saying, 'The stake sent me to Shenzhen and Guangzhou to hang anti-communist slogans', but I never went. !

4. He told me that there is Zhu Yaoming, who works in the stake in the name of a pastor. He is a member of the CIA. You must not associate with him. He is dangerous! We're doing his job and getting him to serve us.

5. Since you don't want to go back to China, then live in Hong Kong! We will talk to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and soon let you make a fortune through business and buy a villa on the mountain! You must not participate in the democracy movement. The democracy movement team is full of our people. In particular, all kinds of heads are arranged and designated by us!

It's been more than 20 years in the blink of an eye, and now it's announced to the public! At that time, I just told these contents to a few Hong Kong friends, and now it is widely advertised!

Yang Guang on June 22, 2017 / Copenhagen, Denmark.


Two or three things about CCP secret agents Zhang Ying and Yang Xiaoyan

Submitted by: Holland Bai Jingsheng on October 28, 2013 07:55:06:

Zhang Ying, a CCP spy, is a 25th boy who is both a bitch and an archway. Zhang Ying has never engaged in social labor in the Netherlands, and lives on relief from the Dutch government. But he wanders around every year, going to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and again... Hong Kong is the most frequent. I ask a person who lives on relief and has never engaged in social labor. Where does his money come from? come? Without him, he came to Hong Kong to report to the domestic affairs department for "debriefing and receiving salary".
Is there any basis? Have! In addition to the above economic conditions, there are two other points of evidence:
1. His former close friend Yang Xiaoyan was a spy sent from Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. His closest friend, Wang Aifeng, is a female spy sent by the public security department in Yiwu, Zhejiang. Yang Xiaoyan now assigns her to Zhang Guoting of Denmark, as discussed below.
2. Look at the reports he wrote, each of which sings praises for the Communist Party.
These two points are enough to prove that Zhang Ying is a spy sent by the Communist Party, and he is not comfortable with being a spy; but he points to the soldiers: Zhang San is a spy, Li Si is a spy... He is not a bitch, vertical archway ?
The biggest spy sent by the CCP to lurk in the pro-democracy circle is Yang Xiaoyan. There are several hard facts that can be proved:
1. Peng Ming's arrest on May 24, 2004 was a trap set by Yang Xiaoyan. The trap is as follows: First, he provided Peng Ming with a batch of fake renminbi (but he said that Yang Zheng provided it). Then, he tempted Peng Ming to say that there was a stronghold on the border between Thailand and Burma, which was established by someone Yang. If you use this as a base, you can build an armed base to attack the mainland. Peng Ming was hesitant about such a big temptation. Yang insisted on destroying him, but Peng Ming fell into the trap. (If anyone has doubts about this, they can call Miss Lu Jie in the United States, and Peng Ming's sister will confirm this.) After successfully trapping Peng Ming, Yang Xiaoyan received a bonus of one million yuan from the intelligence department.
2. At that time, Yang Xiaoyan competed with Liang Hua for




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