作者: 刘刚 / 胡平论证“张晓宁不是中共杀手”,无异于论证“此地无银”


送交者: 张晓宁很快被拜登! 于 March 21, 2023 12:15:14:

作者: 刘刚 胡平论证“张晓宁不是中共杀手”,无异于论证“此地无银” 2022-05-31 03:49:10 [点击:8964]

胡平发文论证“ 张晓宁不可能是中共杀手 ”,下面是我对胡平该文的评论。

























r e l a x@aristotle2727 :他们都知道,但又都不说。到底在掩盖神马呢?





附录:胡平 张晓宁不可能是中共杀手 2022-05-30 16:05:15 [点击:145]















如果凶手被认定为精神病而免除刑事责任,为了防止凶手对他人可能的伤害,凶手一般会送到精神病院严加监管。以刺杀里根总统的凶手小约翰·欣克利(John Hinckley Jr.)为例。1981年3月30日,欣克利在华盛顿特区一家酒店外刺杀里根总统,未遂。在法庭上,陪审团以精神错乱为由判定欣克利无罪,免予刑事责任。随后,欣克利就被送进精神病院,接受严格的监管和治疗。这一住就是30多年,后来又被转送到一家精神健康机构。2021年,欣克利获得无条件释放。


美华人盗商业机密案定罪 麻萨诸塞州首宗
送交者: 防骗防贼防谍防华人 于 May 31, 2022 03:41:22:

美华人盗商业机密案定罪 麻萨诸塞州首宗
使用前雇主、芯片巨头ADI的设计 制造仿冒版本 最高面临10年监禁
美华人盗商业机密案定罪 麻萨诸塞州首宗
资料照,图为约翰‧约瑟夫‧莫克利联邦法院(John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse)。(Learner Liu/The Epoch Times)
更新 2022-05-31 12:13 AM 人气 8964 标签: 盗窃商业机密, 芯片, 华人 Facebook Twitter Line 复制链接 Print【字号】 大 中 小正体 简体
【大纪元2022年05月30日讯】(大纪元记者蔡溶纽约报导)美国麻萨诸塞州勒星顿镇华人余浩洋(Haoyang Yu,音译)因“占有从前公司盗窃的商业机密”,上周四被联邦陪审团定罪。波士顿联邦检察官办公室在周六(28日)的一份声明中称其为“麻萨诸塞州地区此类刑事审判中,首宗定罪案件”。

43岁的余浩洋在经过长达一个月的陪审团审判后被判有罪,罪名是拥有名为HMC1022A的微芯片原型设计,该芯片由总部位于威尔明顿的半导体制造商、芯片巨头“Analog Devices, Inc.”(ADI)开发和拥有。这种芯片用于航空航天和国防应用。余浩洋曾为自己的公司制造“仿冒”版本。



起诉书指控,余浩洋在担任ADI员工期间,创办了自己的微芯片设计公司“Tricon MMIC, LLC”,并使用盗来的HMC1022A设计制造了ADI芯片的仿冒版本,为自己公司的“国防和航空航天、测试和仪器,及卫星通信”客户提供服务。



余浩洋的两名代理律师William Fick和Daniel Marx声称,余浩洋是因为其种族才成为联邦检察官的目标,是“基于中国血统的非法定性和定位”,因此要上诉。他们说,这项动议正在等待裁决。

持有被盗商业机密的指控最高可判处10年监禁、3年监外看管和25万美元罚款,当地法官杨威廉(William G. Young)定于今年9月15日对余浩洋量刑。

责任编辑:陈玟绮 #

Author: Liu Gang/Hu Ping's argument that "Zhang Xiaoning is not a CCP killer" is tantamount to arguing that "there is no silver here"
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Sent by: Zhang Xiaoning will soon be Biden! On December 21, 2022 05:53:03:

Author: Liu Gang Hu Ping's argument that "Zhang Xiaoning is not a CCP killer" is tantamount to arguing that "there is no silver here"

Sent by: Zhang Xiaoning was soon Biden on June 27, 2022 12:25:40:

Author: Liu Gang and Hu Ping's argument that "Zhang Xiaoning is not a CCP killer" is tantamount to arguing that "there is no silver here" 2022-05-31 03:49:10 [Click: 8964]
Original URL: http://jasmine-action.blogspot.com /2022/05/blog-post_64.html

Hu Ping published an article arguing that "Zhang Xiaoning cannot be the killer of the CCP". The following is my comment on Hu Ping's article.

"What is Zhang Xiaoning", this is a limited set.

And "Zhang Xiaoning is nothing" is an infinite set.

It is futile to seek the answer of "what is Zhang Xiaoning" by using the method of elimination from an infinite set. It is meaningless to ask and study "what Zhang Xiaoning is not", it will not let people know any details of "what Zhang Xiaoning is", and it will not give any meaningful answers.

Hu Ping is a philosopher, why ask such a question that does not give any meaningful answer?

Asking and arguing "what Zhang Xiaoning is not" is tantamount to arguing "there is no silver three hundred taels here" and "the neighbor next door never stole it"!

Even if Hu Ping proves that "Zhang Xiaoning is not a spy killer", Hu Ping will still ask infinitely similar questions to mislead people, such as:

Zhang Xiaoning is not a pregnant woman
Zhang Xiaoning is not a fool
Zhang Xiaoning is not a stone
Zhang Xiaoning is not a monkey

Wait, wait, etc., and eventually everyone will be brought into the ditch.

Others, such as Wei Jingsheng and Li Hongkuan, tried their best to prove that "Zhang Xiaoning is a professional killer". This is also a pointless question. The United States is a country with the rule of law. To prove that Zhang Xiaoning is a professional killer must produce evidence, rather than relying on some people's subjective speculation.

The evidence given by Li Hongkuan is that Zhang Xiaoning only stabbed four times, and non-professional killers would not only stab four times. This inference simply cannot be accepted by the courts.

It is not impossible to prove that Zhang Xiaoning is a "professional killer". The evidence acceptable to American courts is that Zhang Xiaoning once received professional killing training from certain people in a certain place. However, if someone can provide the court with evidence that Zhang Xiaoning has received training in murder, then there is no need to debate whether Zhang Xiaoning is a "professional killer" which has nothing to do with the crime of homicide, but can directly prove that Zhang Xiaoning is a gang murderer. Must be first degree murder.

Therefore, those who desperately proclaim that "Zhang Xiaoning is a professional killer" are just like those who proclaim that "Zhang Xiaoning is not a professional killer". persons closely related to the case, such as:

Who is Zhang Xiaoning's landlord and roommate?

Who was Zhang Xiaoning's earliest contact person in New York?

Who first spread the news of Zhang Xiaoning's murder of Li Jinjin from the murder scene?

Who directed Zhang Xiaoning to be admitted to the psychiatric care unit in the prison?

Wait until we can find clues to Zhang Xiaoning's accomplices.

It can be said with certainty that many pro-democracy activists in New York know the answers to the above questions, but they are trying their best to cover up these questions.

For example, He Pin, Yi Gai, Wang Dan and others just refused to explain who informed them of Zhang Xiaoning's assassination of Li Jinjin.

In the video, Li Hongkuan released many photos of Zhang Xiaoning’s life in his own living room, which must have been provided by Zhang Xiaoning’s roommate or landlord, but Li Hongkuan did not say who provided him with these photos of Zhang Xiaoning’s life.

If He Pin, Yi Gai, Wang Dan, Li Hongkuan and others tell the truth they know, Zhang Xiaoning's accomplices and accomplices behind the scenes will surface.

Why didn't Hu Ping ask who actually spread the news of Zhang Xiaoning's murder of Li Jinjin from the scene to the outside world?

Why didn't Hu Ping ask who told He Pin, Wang Dan, Yi Gai and others that Li Jinjin was murdered?

Why didn't Hu Ping ask where Li Hongkuan got Zhang Xiaoning's life photos?

relax@aristotle2727 : They all know it, but they don't say it. What are you trying to cover up?

They all know the truth.
They also all know that we know they know the truth.
But they just want to cover up the truth.
Moreover, they have to do everything possible to prevent us from exploring the truth,
and even try to mislead us into believing the various smoke screens they spread.

Hu Ping actually said, "Whether Zhang Xiaoning is mentally ill or not depends on the forensic doctor."

Why didn't Hu Ping say "whether Zhang Xiaoning is mentally ill or not, it's up to the veterinarian to determine"?

Liu Gang
May 30, 2022

Addendum: Hu Ping and Zhang Xiaoning Ca n’t Be CCP Killers

According to reports, on the morning of April 13, Zhang Xiaoning, the murderer who killed lawyer Li Jinjin, appeared in court in the Superior Court of Queens, New York City. Zhang Xiaoning was indicted by the grand jury on six counts, namely second-degree murder, two fourth-degree criminal possession of weapons, third-degree threats, criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, and second-degree harassment. If convicted, the murderer Zhang Xiaoning will face up to 25 years to life in prison.

Note: Among the six charges against Zhang Xiaoning, the accusation that Zhang Xiaoning was sent across the border by the CCP to commit murder was not included. We know that Zhang Xiaoning's case was transferred to the federal court at one time, and then sent back to the state court. This may show that the relevant parties have not considered the possibility that the murderer was an agent sent by the CCP to kill across the border, but this possibility was ruled out after investigation.


I don't think Zhang Xiaoning is a killer sent by the CCP. The reasons are as follows:

First, a 26-year-old woman voluntarily accepts the order of the party-state, willing to risk her life, or at least her youth, to kill a stranger who has no personal grievances with her. is it possible? In today's China, can the Communist Party still find such extremely fanatical dead soldiers who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the party and the country? I think it's very unlikely.

Second, even if Zhang Xiaoning is such an assassin, then when the party and the state give her the task, they will definitely tell her how to approach Li Jinjin's lawyer, so when she comes to the United States, she will find Li Jinjin directly. Arrived in New York, looking for Zhang San today, and Li Si tomorrow, after several twists and turns, it took more than four months before I came into contact with Li Jinjin?

Third, since the assassination target has been found, the killer should take immediate action. Because lawyer Li Jinjin was not under special protection, the murderer could devise a method of killing that allowed him to escape. How could he choose to commit the murder in Li Jinjin's office, so that he had nowhere to escape after the murder and had to be arrested without a fight?

Fourth, Li Jinjin was killed by Zhang Xiaoning on Monday, March 14th. Three days before the accident, on Friday, March 11, Zhang Xiaoning went to Li Jinjin's lawyer's office and entered Li Jinjin's office. Why didn't she do anything then? Why wait until three days before doing it?

Fifth, when entering Li Jinjin's office on Friday, March 11, Zhang Xiaoning once performed a "lock throat" movement on Li Jinjin. If Zhang Xiaoning is the killer of the CCP, then she will try her best to avoid any actions that may arouse Li Jinjin's vigilance before she officially takes action. Then why did she suddenly "lock the throat" on Li Jinjin? Wouldn't that arouse Li Jinjin's vigilance and precautions, thus making her assassination impossible? At that time, Li Jinjin’s secretary called the police when he saw the situation, and the police arrived very quickly. He originally wanted to apply for a personal safety protection order for Li Jinjin, but Li Jinjin was out of goodwill and worried that Zhang Xiaoning’s criminal record would affect his future application for residence status in the United States. So no writ of habeas corpus was issued. Three days later, on Monday, March 14, Zhang Xiaoning came to Li Jinjin's lawyer's office again. The secretary refused to let her in because of her violent attack three days ago. It was only later that Li Jin came in and let Zhang Xiaoning in out of good intentions, which gave Zhang Xiaoning a chance to commit murder. If Zhang Xiaoning was indeed a killer sent by the CCP, she would never have committed any violent attack on Li Jinjin before the official attack, but Zhang Xiaoning just did it. It can be seen that she did not plan to kill Li Jinjin from the beginning. It can be seen that she is not a CCP killer.

Unless you can refute all the above 5 points, you can say that Zhang Xiaoning is the killer of the CCP.

Some lawyers analyzed that Zhang Xiaoning's lawyers are very likely to defend Zhang Xiaoning on the grounds of mental illness.

Many people also think that Zhang Xiaoning is mentally ill, because from the perspective of normal people, her atrocities cannot be explained. However, Zhou Wenwei, who shot and killed 21 people in a church in Southern California not long ago, and Salvador Ramos, who shot and killed 21 people in an elementary school in Texas, their atrocities are difficult to explain from the perspective of normal people , but many people do not think they are mentally ill because of this.

It is reported that Zhang Xiaoning's attorney intends to apply to the court for a judicial psychiatric appraisal for Zhang Xiaoning.

Whether Zhang Xiaoning is mentally ill or not depends on the forensic doctor. If the forensic doctor determined that he was not mentally ill, Zhang Xiaoning would naturally be held criminally responsible. If the forensic doctor determines that Zhang Xiaoning is mentally ill, it does not mean that Zhang Xiaoning will definitely be exempted from criminal responsibility. Whether a mental patient should bear criminal responsibility for murder cannot be generalized, and it needs to be decided according to the actual situation of the mental patient. The key is whether he or she acts with the ability to recognize or control his/her own behavior. According to different circumstances, some should bear criminal responsibility, some can be given a lighter punishment, and some should not bear criminal responsibility.

If the murderer is found to be mentally ill and exempt from criminal responsibility, in order to prevent the murderer from harming others, the murderer will generally be sent to a mental hospital for strict supervision. Take President Reagan assassin John Hinckley Jr., for example. On March 30, 1981, Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Reagan outside a hotel in Washington, DC. In court, the jury acquitted Hinkley of criminal responsibility on the grounds of insanity. Subsequently, Hinckley was sent to a mental hospital, where he received strict supervision and treatment. This stay lasted for more than 30 years, and was later transferred to a mental health institution. In 2021, Hinckley will be released unconditionally.

"Light Media" debuted. May 30, 2022. Link: https://ipkmedia.com/142882/

American and Chinese convicted of stealing commercial secrets case in

American and Chinese convicted in the case of stealing trade secrets The first case in Massachusetts
to use the design and manufacture of counterfeit versions of the former employer, chip giant ADI, facing up to 10 years in prison
American and Chinese convicted in the case of stealing trade
secrets John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse. (Learner Liu/The Epoch Times)
Updated 2022-05-31 12:13 AM Popularity 8964 Tags: Theft of trade secrets, chip, Chinese Facebook Twitter Line Copy link Print [Font Size] Large, Medium, Small, Regular, Simplified
[The Epoch Times, May 30, 2022] Daily News (Reported by Epoch Times reporter Cai Rong in New York) Yu Haoyang (Haoyang Yu, transliteration), a Chinese in Lexington Township, Massachusetts, USA, was convicted by a federal jury last Thursday for "possessing trade secrets stolen from a former company." The U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston called it "the first conviction of its kind in a criminal trial of its kind in the district of Massachusetts" in a statement Saturday.

Haoyang Yu, 43, was found guilty after a month-long jury trial of possessing a prototype microchip called the HMC1022A, designed by Wilmington-based semiconductor maker and chip giant Analog Devices. , Inc.” (ADI) developed and owned. Such chips are used in aerospace and defense applications. Yu Haoyang once made a "counterfeit" version for his own company.

Yu Haoyang was born in Harbin, China, studied in the United States in 2002, and worked at ADI from 2014 to 2017, developing and designing microchips that can be used in the communications, defense and aerospace industries.

As required by his job, he has access to ADI's data and information related to current and future microchip designs, including its schematic files, design layout files, and manufacturing files.

The indictment alleges that Yu Haoyang founded his own microchip design company "Tricon MMIC, LLC" during his tenure as an employee of ADI, and used the stolen HMC1022A to design and manufacture a counterfeit version of the ADI chip for his company's "defense and aerospace industry". , testing and instrumentation, and satellite communications" customers.

Haoyang Yu started selling his counterfeit HMC1022A version of the microchip before ADI released its chip. ADI is fully cooperating with the government's investigation.

However, the jury found Yu Haoyang not guilty of 17 charges except for one charge: including wire fraud, immigration fraud (not disclosing information about the theft of ADI trade secrets when submitting a naturalization application), illegal export of controlled technology, and 11 others. One count of possession of stolen trade secrets.

Yu Haoyang's two lawyers, William Fick and Daniel Marx, claimed that Yu Haoyang became the target of federal prosecutors because of his race, which was "illegal characterization and positioning based on Chinese ancestry", so he wanted to appeal. The motion is pending, they said.

The charge of possessing stolen trade secrets carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, 3 years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000. Local Judge William G. Young is scheduled to sentence Yu Haoyang on September 15 this year.

Responsible editor: Chen Wenqi#

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