支那豬共匪张英致老朋友( ?)刘达文信:谈写六哥黄雀行动及杨光拯救李契克真相


送交者: 丹麦杨光操死張英! 于 October 14, 2022 05:09:09:

回答: 張英-杨小炎-王德耀-陈锡铮杀死梁华-誘捕彭明-朦骗联合国难民署-串通王精行骗! 由 把張英送進墳墓! 于 October 10, 2022 07:10:52:

支那豬共匪张英致老朋友( ?)刘达文信:谈写六哥黄雀行动及杨光拯救李契克真相

送交者: 一群共匪骗子搞民运 于 October 08, 2022 05:59:05:

【 往 事 重 提 !】民运队伍里全是我们的人,尤其是各种头头,都是我们安排指定的!

送交者:杨光 于 March 28, 2018 12:11:48:








杨光 于 2017年6月22日/丹麦哥本哈根。


(博讯北京时间2011年8月17日 来稿)
冀望劉達文繼續寫好黄雀行動 澄清並補充說明楊光真相一文

劉總編達文兄惠鑒: (博讯 boxun.com)


※ 冀望劉達文繼續寫好黄雀行動



※ 誣蔑陳達鉦而戴司徒華紅帽子現象


※ 補充說明楊光的拯救李契克真相

另一方面,有蒙面黑客誣蔑與當年黄雀行動不沾邊的張某。共匪侵入我的電郵,恐怖份子在網上篡改發表張英最近致聯合國高專、荷蘭首相和有關大臣《請求救援李宇宙、李志友、趙俊卿等著名中國民主黨人》的信,謊稱張某以「1989年黄雀行動副指揮」自居, 造謠中傷,順此一併申斥。-----( 把你的文z打开就一目了然!!!)。


※ 還原張英參與拯救李契克的背景

救母,得道多助。感謝香港立法局直選議員李卓人兄擔保我多次進出香港的簽證,感謝香港立法局直選議員劉千石兄提供其辦事處,3月11日我舉行記者會,口誅筆伐,反擊納粹中共的黨衛軍。張某正忙于溝通「三國四方」(葡萄牙澳門、英國香港、荷蘭政府,聯合國難民署為總協調方),以期家母早日依法順利成行。由于廣東話翻譯出錯,3月12日英文《南華早報》誤報「張英四代人滯留香港」,除美國《世界日報》、香港亞視最先如實報道,《東週刊》已專訪和《前哨》已專刊外,六十多家中外傳媒記者聞風而動,紛紛撲向香港總督府、聯合國難民署和荷蘭駐港總領事館,甚至尋找我本人和家母挖新聞,弄得代理總督陳方安生也不勝其煩,下令張英每次入境香港要經她批準。我又忙于口頭或書面的,向各有關方面申明澄清,張英家族都是合法進出香港的,冇一人非法滯留法治的香港。我還忙于與中華民國七八個部委聯繫同意,正要趕去民主台灣,加入中國民主聯合陣線代表團,觀摩中國歷史上的首次總統直選。正當自己日夜忙得焦頭爛額之際這個背景,我同時在香港參與拯救李契克。------( 把老妈、侄子、侄女都偷渡出来当难民,你真是民运翘楚!!!-----)。

※ 劉達文介紹楊光和張英拯救李契克 ----( 劉達文什么时侯介紹你張英拯救李契克的?恬不知恥!)

3月16日我又到香港,來前哨拜會並感謝達文吾兄仗義執言,拿已發表的我抨擊中共迫害家母蒙難的文稿、封底有我母子等六楨照片的20本《前哨》。那時您兼管民聯陣《中國之春》編排、出版和發行。兄請弟午飯時說及,有位中春作者李契克上校,日前找上門來求救,您已介紹楊光施以救助。他既是中春作者,——————( 李契克什么时侯在中春上发表过什么文章 ?)。 我是中春歐洲社長,且與聯合國難民公署又熟,聞之當然義不容辭。

第二天17日上午,我去彌敦道楊光公司,楊光兄給我看了李契克上校團長的《軍官證》、藍州軍區給北京市委的《介紹信》,請我吃午飯時也說了他的危難情况。————————( 李契克在香港期间你和我见过面吗?)。

楊光如今著文,有一大段話:聯合國難民公署的「陳先生來電說,一個叫張英的領李契克來了,說楊光不可靠、我來領李契克辦難民。陳先生問張英和李契克,楊光怎麽不可靠。他和我們辦了這麽多難民,我們未發現他有問題。張英說,......」,云云。第一,我從不認識這位陳先生;第二,我冇領李契克一起見此陳先生;第三,眾所週知,張某從不在背後講朋友壞話,————( 你和楊小炎,陈锡铮到处講楊光是中共特务算不算壞話!?策划诱扑、绑架我又算什么!?)。 美化尚恐不及,當然更不會對該陳先生說甚麽「楊光不可靠」這種話,子虚烏有!或許說類似的話另有其人,瓜田李下。

※ 澄清張英領李契克去聯合國難民署的原由

我知道楊光與支聯會陳老闆鬧矛盾、與民聯陣楊小炎有心結,一直對两楊勸和。————( 勸楊光和中共特务楊小炎和、中共特务陈锡铮和好?!可能吗!)。 楊光之文還說:「張英領李契克回來,見了楊小炎。楊小炎和支聯會陳老闆是好朋友,由陳老闆把李契克交給港府處理了」,「其實陳老闆把李契克交港府就是要遣返的」。
NO!事實恰恰相反,真相是:並非我領李契克見楊小炎,而是小炎兄3月17日夜裡,領李契克到旺角旅社來見我。當天傍晚我從荷領館回來,日以繼夜很累,正打瞌睡,小炎說楊光那裡是辦公大樓,上校住辦公室不安全。我問,楊光知道他搬來嗎?小炎講楊光下班了,不知道。---( 李契克是住辦公室吗?)。那時冇手機電話,聯絡不便,反正救人是共同心愿,一致的,就替李契克加了舖,徹夜長談。————( 终于承认了!------)。李契克說,他在軍中秘密串聯同學、同事和戰友,從大尉到少將一千多軍人,組成少壯軍官團,準備在藍州軍區、成都軍區等地起義。------( 这些軍中声音怎么还不起義-----)。 有些成員已被中央軍委懷疑受審查,可能軍法重判,他是領頭人之一,随時有被捕犧牲的危險。信疑參半,但他說年前密送中春發表,談軍隊改革的文章,印象有的。——————( 那时中春归你管吗?)。李契克還給我看了正在撰寫的《告全軍官兵書》手稿。————( 终于承认是在香港撰寫的!)。

我表示原計劃18日上午去聯合國難民公署,拜托護送家母至阿姆斯特丹,如今你的事急,改在下午,上午先陪你去,———( 你陪李契克去 聯合國難民公署的!!!承认了!!!----)。 但祗能做嚮導,按規定談話限于申請政治庇護者,他人不得在場,這是常識。下午他們如問起你,我會敲邊鼓促進。這樣,18日清早,我就把李契克送到油麻地停車場12樓,在聯合國難民公署門前,拜拜!—————( 你自己招了!!! )。


※ 張英在聯合國難民署講李契克和楊光的好話 ?!-----( 你講李契克好話,你算哪棵葱?!你講楊光好話,你以为我是傻逼呀!你張英和陈锡铮、楊小炎全世界狂嚎楊光是中共特务,你们不怕天打五雷轰!坐轮椅-----才开头呵!)。

那位先生問起李契克,他說你可以擔保他的,我自然替李契克講了一番好話,請速送往歐美第三國。也問起楊光,有人舉報他把許多人送來申難,大量收錢,也有人說他是中共特務;———— ( 你說楊光是中共特務;帮人办難民就是为了收錢,支联会的陈锡铮和 民聯陣楊小炎可以做证!------)。 我說楊光先生是堅持反共的,反共異常激烈,不爭之實,但他心直口快,易得罪人,誣蔑他是共特,純屬故意陷害,而楊光急公好義,助人為樂,分文不取,經常倒貼,也是事實,當即駁正。

接著,回旅社取了行李,趕去機場,飛台北也,既來不及見楊光,當然也未及見到楊小炎。所謂「陳老闆把李契克交給港府處理了」,與張無關。陳老闆也是我的朋友,他是港英政治部的人,又是港支聯的外勤,據說與英美情報局也合作,還是港府與難民署的聯係人,我看他未必真「把李契克交港府就是要遣返的」。------( 你和中共特务陳老闆、楊小炎是好朋友,全世界都知道!)。

※ 楊光和張英對李契克赴美的臨門一腳——————( 楊光一腳想救李契克,你張英和陈锡铮和楊小炎的一腳想把李契克踹进中共大牢!!!)。




※ 希望脱難政庇安居的朋友好自為之


以拯救李契克案例,有了劉達文、楊光、楊小炎的前三棒,才有張英接棒參與,分享臨門一腳的機緣。達文推薦的楊光,功不可抹。 一年多前,李契克接受《大紀元》時報辛菲採訪報道,公開辱罵楊光,說甚麽「楊光是中共特務可以印證」,拖出了楊小炎,影射了劉達文,實在不智,太不厚道。難怪楊光回應文稿反彈,「城門失火,殃及魚池」,把中道的我也搭上,矯枉過正。五年多前,我曾發表《海外民運中共化》指出,民運圈七八成中共特務或線人,二三成尚未被淪陷,少數仍是中流砥柱。但楊光不是中共特務,李契克也扯不上是共特。李契克在美國,十年前成立了中國人民武裝起義總指揮部,任總指揮,亦在幹事,不必苛責,奉勸自重,珍惜羽毛。


耑此 即頌


辛亥百年八月十二日于阿姆斯特丹 ◇


China pig gangster Zhang Ying to his old friend (?) Liu Dawen letter: Talking about the operation of the Sixth Brother Oriole and the truth about Yang Guang's rescue of Li Qike
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Submitted by: A group of CCP liars engaged in democracy movement on October 08, 2022 05:59:05:

【Revisiting the past! 】The pro-democracy movement team is full of our people, especially the various leaders, who are all appointed by us!

Submitted by: Yang Guang on March 28, 2018 12:11:48:

At the end of 1993, at Christmas time, a friend in Beijing had morning tea with me and asked me a few questions on behalf of the upper management:

1. You have escaped. If you are willing to go back, we can arrange it for you;

2. If you want to go home to see your eldest sister, we are willing to accompany you back, but you must not go back by yourself. The Shenzhen Public Security Bureau has arranged to issue a wanted order to the Interpol through the Ministry of Public Security on the charge of fleeing corrupt officials. As long as they are sent back, they will be beaten to death with a slapstick, and then they will announce that you are committing suicide because of fear of crime;

3. The Shenzhen Public Security Bureau considers that Interpol and the Hong Kong government will not believe the nonsense of the Chinese government. At the same time, they are also trapping you through the agents arranged by the Ministry of State Security in the Hong Kong branch. You must not be fooled. It's just that I don't know the name of the person that the Ministry of State Security arranged in the stake. I told him at the time, then I knew who he was. His name was 'Chen Xizheng' (known as Boss Chen), this person ordered me many times, saying, 'The stake sent me to Shenzhen and Guangzhou to hang anti-communist slogans', but I never went. !

4. He told me that there is Zhu Yaoming, who works in the stake in the name of a pastor. He is a member of the CIA. You must not associate with him. He is dangerous! We're doing his job and getting him to serve us.

5. Since you don't want to go back to China, then live in Hong Kong! We will talk to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and soon let you make a fortune through business and buy a villa on the mountain! You must not participate in the democracy movement. The democracy movement team is full of our people. In particular, all kinds of heads are arranged and designated by us!

It's been more than 20 years in the blink of an eye, and now it's announced to the public! At that time, I just told these contents to a few Hong Kong friends, and now it is widely advertised!

Yang Guang on June 22, 2017 / Copenhagen, Denmark.


(Contributed by Boxun on August 17, 2011, Beijing time)
I hope Liu Dawen will continue to write a good article to clarify and explain the truth about Yang Guang

Editor-in-chief Liu Dawen brother Huijian: (boxun.com)

Celebrate my brother's "Outpost", "Big Winner" and "Data King" magazines, as well as China Data Bank, the housewarming jubilee!

※ I hope Liu Dawen will continue to write the Oriole action well

Not long ago, I saw the July 2011 "Outpost" in Hong Kong, and published the article "Rescue the Truth of Li Qik" by Yang Guangxiong. I agree with him that your several reports on Operation Oriole this year are well written. Because my brother is not only an expert in reporting people and writing, but you are also an important member of the Oriole Action, which is beyond what ordinary literati can do, and even more so than cynics. "This is the most authoritative disclosure of the inside story of "Operation Oriole" in more than 20 years. I really hope you can continue to write it, so that readers who care about the "89 Democracy Movement" can understand how the people of justice from all walks of life in Hong Kong at that time lost themselves. To rescue the fugitives persecuted by the CCP, they do their best and lend a helping hand.”

Last year, I talked with the sixth brother Chen Dazheng, the commander-in-chief of Operation Oriole in 1989. He worked closely with the Hong Kong Stake both inside and outside the Stake to rescue famous scholars and experts Chen Yizi, Yan Jiaqi, Wu Renhua and academic leaders Wang Chaohua and Li Lu after the June 4th Movement. , Cai Chongguo, etc., as well as Zhao Ziyang's daughter-in-law and Zhao Erjun's daughter, a total of 133 people with lofty ideals, plan to write a three-step "Great Escape" book with the background of the Yellow Bird Action. Brother Liu said that the director of the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Liu Zaifu, famous writers such as Su Xiaokang, Kong Jiesheng, Yuan Zhiming, Zuo Wei and Xu Gang, and even the chairman of the Chinese Writers Association Minister Wang Meng were moved by the heroism, and they all proposed Write the book of Operation Oriole. However, because most of the middle and upper-level officials of the party, government, military and police who assisted in the mainland were still alive, the sixth brother took into account their safety and believed that it was not yet time for exposure. And as my brother’s August outpost’s masterpiece “The Fleeing Life of Chen Yizi, a Meritorious Person of Reform” disclosed, the sixth brother still has a “second secret passage”, because “the sixth brother ‘operated’ the Oriole operation and used the secret passage to transport the goods. The pro-democracy activists left the country. After reconciling with the CCP, they used their relationship to operate another secret channel. They forwarded letters to the upper levels of Beijing for overseas people.” You have read Lao Chen’s letter to Jiang Zemin in 1998. Surrender or shoe-shine to please. Jiang Zemin and Qiao Shi signed to let him return to China for the funeral.” Therefore, Brother Six believes that it is not yet time to write a monograph on Operation Oriole. However, brother Liu Dawen, who participated in the Oriole operation at the beginning, and now participates in the second secret path, is uniquely blessed. I believe that only you can handle it, so I hope to continue writing, and the serialization can be nailed into a book. This will help you build a framework and contribute to the future release of the masterpiece "The Great Escape", a long historical literature.

※ The phenomenon of slandering Chen Dazheng and wearing Situhua's red hat

Rescue Colonel Ritchie of the Communist Army was not part of Operation Oriole, which was a special case in the spring of 1996. On the one hand, someone in the "Sing Tao Daily" a month ago, under the guise of the deceased outstanding leader of the pro-democracy movement, Mr. Szeto Hua, slandered the "boatman" of Chen Dazheng, a recognized hero of Hong Kong at home and abroad, and denied that the sixth brother was the commander-in-chief of Operation Oriole. , "confessing action", even being interviewed and disrespectful to the academic leader Chai Ling without knowing it, but also a lot of whipping, nonsense that Situ Hua "was waiting for seventeen years" to join the CCP, and a red hat wearing a pro-CCP appears behind Uncle Hua Phenomenon, overbearing strange things, should be vigilant. On July 26, "Sing Tao Daily" reported that Chen Dazheng denied that he had received 600,000 Hong Kong dollars to save Wuer Kaixi. Li Yongda proved that he did not give Chen Dazheng the 600,000 yuan. Liu Dawen also said that there was another person who received the money, and the sixth brother was innocent. . On July 26, "Ming Pao" interviewed Xu Jiatun. He was accused of "cultivating Situ Hua to be the chief executive." Xu Jiatun said that he "never considered it", and also said that Situ Hua refused to "join the CCP" in person. My brother's August outpost "The Mystery of Situ Hua's Joining the Communist Youth League" has already been clicked. Li Zhuming, Li Zhuoren, Liu Qianshi, He Junren, Li Yongda and others expressed their condolences to the sixth brother Chen Dazheng. At the same time, they asked Situ Hua's younger sister, Situ Chan, to hand over Uncle Hua's audio tapes in order to listen to it. Some people think that family members only speak ill of Liu Ge, Chai Ling and other heroes, in order to hype Situ Hua's memoir "The Great River Goes East", I don't think so, at least they shouldn't make such a bad plan. Uncle Er Kuang Hua
's book sells very well, 8 On the 1st of the month, I ran several bookstores in Hong Kong, and they all sold out in two batches. For more than ten years, the pan-democrats have been asking for double universal suffrage in 2012, but even if a small circle elects the chief executive next year, the Democratic Party has decided to run for the chief executive, and smearing Situ Hua can distort the image of the Democratic Party. This is the CCP's political conspiracy behind it.

※ Supplementary explanation of Yang Guang's rescue of Li Qiqi

On the other hand, some masked hackers slandered Zhang, who was not involved in the Oriole's operation. The CCP hacked into my email, and the terrorists falsified and published online Zhang Ying’s recent letter to the UN High Commissioner, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands and the relevant ministers, “Ask for Rescue of Li Yuyu, Li Zhiyou, Zhao Junqing and Other Famous China Democracy Party”, falsely claiming that Zhang was a The "Deputy Commander of Operation Oriole in 1989" claimed to have spread rumors and slandered him, and he was reprimanded along the way. ----- (Open your text z to see at a glance!!!).

As for Yang Guang's re-telling of the story of "Saving the Truth of Liczek" 15 years ago on the outpost, which also involved Zhang, there are hearsays and rumors, and the old friends are imaginative, so there is a beautiful misunderstanding, that is another One thing. Dissecting the typicality of the case of Rescue Litschick, which still has universal significance in real life. I am here to make a response, the truth of this section, a little clarification, and supplementary explanations to restore history.

※ Restore the background of Zhang Ying's participation in the rescue of Lichick

From December 1995 to March 1996, I went to Hong Kong and Macau alone to save my mother, and I fought three times with the Nazi CCP military police (the Zhuhai Sea Defence Force of the SS blocked the front, and the Gestapo of the National Security Police of Shanghai and Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province chased after them) three times. Play for a hundred days. The first two accidentally missed, the 86-year-old mother has been in prison twice for more than a month, and her mother is critically ill in prison. It was only the third time that I won the battle and rescued my mother who escaped China safely in early March.
Save the mother, get more help. I would like to thank Brother Li Zhuoren, a directly-elected member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, for guaranteeing me a visa to enter and leave Hong Kong many times. I would like to thank Brother Liu Qianshi, a directly-elected member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council for providing his office. On March 11, I held a press conference to criticize the SS of the Nazi CCP. Zhang is busy communicating with the "Three Kingdoms and Four Parties" (Portugal, Macau, UK, Hong Kong, and Netherlands governments, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees as the general coordinator). Due to an error in the Cantonese translation, the English "South China Morning Post" on March 12 misreported that "four generations of Zhang Ying are stranded in Hong Kong". Except for the first and truthful reports by the American "World Journal" and Hong Kong ATV, "East Weekly" has interviewed and "Outpost" In addition to the special issue, more than 60 Chinese and foreign media reporters followed the news. They rushed to the Hong Kong Governor's Office, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Netherlands Consulate General in Hong Kong. They even searched for me and my mother to dig up news. , ordered Zhang Ying to get her approval every time she entered Hong Kong. I was busy with oral or written clarifications to all parties concerned that all Zhang Ying's family entered and exited Hong Kong legally, and no one was illegally staying in Hong Kong under the rule of law. I was busy contacting seven or eight ministries and commissions of the Republic of China to agree, and was about to rush to Democratic Taiwan to join the delegation of the China Democratic United Front to observe the first direct presidential election in Chinese history. Just as I was busy day and night, I was in Hong Kong at the same time participating in the rescue of Li Qik. ------( You smuggled out your mother, nephew, and niece as refugees, you are really a leader in the democracy movement!!!-----).

※Liu Dawen introduces Yang Guang and Zhang Ying to save Li Qike----( When did Liu Dawen introduce you to Zhang Ying to save Li Qike? Shameless!)

On March 16, I went to Hong Kong again to pay a visit to the outpost and thank my brother Dawen for his righteous words. I took the published manuscript of my criticism of the CCP’s persecution of my mother and the suffering of my mother, and the 20 copies of Outpost with six-frame photos of my mother and son on the back cover. At that time you were also in charge of the arrangement, publication and distribution of the Pakatan Rakyat's "China Spring". Brother and brother mentioned during lunch that a mid-spring author, Colonel Li Qike, came to ask for help a few days ago, and you have introduced Yang Guang to help. He is also the author of Zhongchun, ————— (When did Li Qik publish what articles on Zhongchun?). I am the president of China Spring Europe, and I am familiar with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. It is of course my duty to hear it.

On the morning of the next day on the 17th, I went to Nathan Yangguang Company. Brother Yang Guang showed me the "Military Certificate" of Colonel Li Qike and the "Letter of Introduction" from the Lanzhou Military Region to the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and invited me to lunch. He also spoke of his distress. ————————— (Did you meet me while Lichick was in Hong Kong?).
But when I was with Yang Guang, I never saw Li Qik. ----(I was talking to Li Qike, so you sent Yang Xiaoyan to our company to write Li Qike's phone number for five minutes, tricked Li Qike to the Xuelian Hotel and fooled him for one night, and he was disabled again. I want to hand it over to the CCP!).
In the afternoon, I went to the Dutch consulate of the Chinese branch in Central to urge my mother, Zhang Yu's Dutch travel document.

Yang Guang is writing an article now, and there is a long paragraph: "Mr. Chen of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees called and said that a leader named Zhang Ying was here, saying that Yang Guang was unreliable, and I came to lead Li Qike as a refugee. Ying and Li Qik, how can Yang Guang be unreliable. He has dealt with so many refugees with us, and we have not found any problems with him. Zhang Ying said, …”, so on. First, I never knew this Mr. Chen; second, I did not bring Li Qike to see this Mr. Chen together; third, as we all know, Zhang never speaks ill of friends behind his back, —— (You and Yang Xiaoyan, Does Chen Xizheng say that Yang Guang is a CCP agent is a bad word!? What is planning to lure me and kidnap me!?). The beautification is not enough, and of course it will not say to Mr. Chen that "Yang Guang is unreliable", it is nonsense! Maybe there is someone else who said similar things, Lixia Guatian.

※ Clarify the reason why Zhang Ying and Li Qike went to the UNHCR

I know that Yang Guang is in conflict with the stake boss Chen, and has a relationship with Yang Xiaoyan of the Pakatan Rakyat, and has been trying to persuade the two Yangs to make peace. ———(Persuade Yang Guang to reconcile with CCP spy Yang Xiaoyan and CCP spy Chen Xizheng?! Is it possible!). Yang Guangzhi also said: "Zhang Ying brought Li Qike back and met Yang Xiaoyan. Yang Xiaoyan and Boss Chen of the stake are good friends, and Boss Chen handed Li Qike to the Hong Kong government for processing." "Actually, Boss Chen put Lichick handed over to the Hong Kong government to be repatriated."
NO! The truth is just the opposite. The truth is: I did not lead Li Qike to see Yang Xiaoyan, but Brother Xiaoyan led Li Qike to see me at the Mong Kok Hotel on the night of March 17. I came back from the Dutch consulate that evening. I was very tired day and night, and I was dozing off. Xiaoyan said that Yang Guang’s place was an office building, and it was not safe for the colonel to live in the office. I asked, did Yang Guang know that he moved? Xiaoyan said that Yang Guang was off work, but he didn't know. ---(Does Lichick live in the office?). At that time, there was no mobile phone, and it was inconvenient to communicate. Anyway, saving people was a common wish. We agreed, so we added a shop for Li Qike and talked for a long time all night. ———(Finally admit it!------). Li Qike said that he secretly connected with his classmates, colleagues and comrades in the army, from captain to major general, more than a thousand soldiers, formed a young army officer corps, and prepared to uprising in Lanzhou Military Region, Chengdu Military Region and other places. ------(How come these military voices are not uprising-----). Some members have been suspected by the Central Military Commission and are subject to scrutiny and may be severely sentenced by military law. He is one of the leaders and is in danger of being arrested and sacrificed at any time. There are mixed beliefs, but he said that he secretly sent an article about the reform of the army to the Mid-Spring Festival a few years ago. —————— (Is the Mid-Spring Festival under your control at that time?). Lichick also showed me the manuscript of the "Report to the Military and Soldiers" that I was writing. ———(Finally admit to writing in Hong Kong!).

I said that I originally planned to go to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on the morning of the 18th. Please escort my mother to Amsterdam. Now that you are in a hurry, I will change it to the afternoon and accompany you in the morning.——( You accompanied Lichick to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees!! ! Admitted!!!----). But I can only be a guide. According to regulations, the conversation is limited to those who apply for political asylum, and others are not allowed to be present. This is common sense. If they ask about you in the afternoon, I will play the side drum to promote it. In this way, in the early morning of the 18th, I took Lichick to the 12th floor of the Yau Ma Tei parking lot, in front of the UNHCR, bye! ————(You recruited yourself!!!).

At noon that day, Li Qike came back and said that the UNHCR officials had accepted the urgent case he declared and asked him to stay in Hong Kong and wait and pay attention to safety.

※ Zhang Ying spoke kind words about Li Chik and Yang Guang at UNHCR? ! -----( You talk kindly about Li Qik, what kind of onion are you?! You talk kindly about Yang Guang, you think I'm a fool! You Zhang Ying, Chen Xizheng, and Yang Xiaoyan are screaming all over the world. Yang Guang is a CCP spy, you guys Don't be afraid of the thunder! I just started in a wheelchair-----!).
On the afternoon of March 18, I went to the Office. I didn’t have an appointment beforehand. Miss Chen, the assistant commissioner, who I know well, was not there. The receptionist was a woman and a man, legal counsel, Malaysian Chinese. He also said that more than 60 media reporters came to interview Zhang's mother a few days ago. They said that Zhang Ying's four generations were blatantly stranded in Hong Kong. Only the United Nations has the protection energy and is overwhelmed. Please keep a low profile. I will be responsible for delivering the order to the Netherlands safely. Taiwan Observation.

The gentleman asked about Richie, and he said you could vouch for him. Naturally, I said a good word for Richie. Please send him to a third country in Europe and the United States as soon as possible. I also asked about Yang Guang, some people reported that he sent many people to apply for refugees and received a lot of money, and some people said that he was a CCP spy; —— (You said Yang Guang is a CCP spy; the purpose of helping people to organize refugees is to collect money and support them. Chen Xizheng of the Federation and Yang Xiaoyan of the Pakatan Rakyat can testify!------). I said that Mr. Yang Guang insisted on being anti-communist. The anti-communist was extremely fierce, and the truth was indisputable. However, he was outspoken, easy to offend people, and slandered him as a common trait. Upside down is also a fact, and it is immediately refuted.

Then, I went back to the hotel to pick up my luggage, rushed to the airport, and flew to Taipei. It was too late to see Yang Guang, and of course, Yang Xiaoyan. The so-called "Boss Chen handed over Lichick to the Hong Kong government" has nothing to do with Zhang. Boss Chen is also my friend. He is a member of the Hong Kong-British Political Department, and he is also a field staff member of the Hong Kong Stake. Cheek handed over to the Hong Kong government to be repatriated.” ------(You and CCP spies boss Chen and Yang Xiaoyan are good friends, the whole world knows it!).

※ Yang Guang and Zhang Ying’s kick to Li Qike’s arrival in the United States —————( Yang Guang wants to save Li Qi Ke, you Zhang Ying, Chen Xizheng and Yang Xiaoyan want to kick Li Qi Ke into the CCP prison! !!).

On the night of March 31 of that year in Taipei, students from the scientific research camp in Taiwan, Dr. Chen Jieming and Dr. Xie Renzhen of National Taiwan University, accompanied me to the "United Daily News" office, and the editor-in-chief Wang Zhenbang invited me to have a late-night snack. Brother Zhenbang has not yet reviewed and signed the sample, so I was looking for an acquaintance in the lobby of the editorial department. He ran and said: Today, the Hong Kong newspaper has Yang Guang's report on the rescue of Colonel Li Qike, and published the Li Qi provided by Yang Guang. The photocopies of the "Military Officer's Certificate" and the "Letter of Introduction" from the Lanzhou Military Region's transfer to Beijing were corroborated. The United Daily News immediately forwarded the news of the Lichik incident, but there is a right or wrong involving your brother Zhang Ying. Please read the sample first.

I hurriedly glanced at it and said with a smile: Brother Yang Guang is a loner, this is a tactic, and the old tricks are repeated. If the Li Qik incident is exposed to the media, all parties will be nervous, speed up the work process, and according to experience Li Qi Ke will Going to a third country in Europe and the United States soon, this is helping Lichke a lot. However, it is unfair to put Li Qiqi "disappeared" in Hong Kong on Zhang's head, and it is also false to say that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees "rejected" Li Qiqi. The inside truth I know is not the case. It should be respected by the UNHCR, because it is up to them to decide whether the trip will take place in the end!

Zhenbang asked me to write down the gist of what I said, make some corrections and clarifications, add explanations, and distribute them as "exclusive news" of the United Daily News. So I rushed to make a statement and wrote thousands of words for the United Daily News on the spot. It appeared in the newspaper on the morning of April 1, and pushed Li Qike to go to the United States again.

※ Friends who hope to get out of the asylum and live in peace should do it for themselves

For more than 20 years, we have cared for and rescued our compatriots from mainland China. Hundreds of them are obliged to do so. Of course, we never expect any pictures, and very few people will be grateful. When things are done, they will be less scolded, which is a great blessing. .

In order to save the case of Li Qike, with the first three bats of Liu Dawen, Yang Guang, and Yang Xiaoyan, only Zhang Ying took over the baton to participate and shared the opportunity to hit the door. The Yang Guang recommended by Davin is invaluable. More than a year ago, Li Qike was interviewed by Epoch Times Times Xin Fei and reported that he publicly insulted Yang Guang, saying that "Yang Guang is a CCP spy can be confirmed", dragged out Yang Xiaoyan, and insinuated Liu Dawen. kind. No wonder Yang Guang responded to the backlash from the manuscript, "The city gate caught fire, and the fish pond was affected." More than five years ago, I published "The CCPization of Overseas Democracy Movement" and pointed out that 70 to 80 percent of the pro-democracy movement circles are spies or informants of the CCP, 20 to 30 percent have not yet been captured, and a few are still the mainstay. But Yang Guang is not a CCP spy, and Li Qik is not a CCP spy either. In the United States, Li Qik established the Chinese People's Armed Uprising General Headquarters ten years ago.

I also sincerely hope that in the past, present and possible future, all friends who have been rescued to live in the West will be prepared for danger in times of peace, live happily, and do their best!

This is the ode
to An
Zhang Ying's acquaintance

August 12th in Amsterdam ◇

All follow ups:




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