

送交者: 拜登女兒-與父共浴! 于 December 17, 2022 06:37:03:

回答: 作者: 杨光----天津vs深圳清水河爆炸案大揭秘 由 大满洲国遗民-楊光 于 December 04, 2022 07:01:14:

美国北约无意参战 泽连斯基:无人与乌克兰并肩作战(图)
2022-02-25 18:58
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乌克兰总统泽连斯基在电视讲话中称,没有人与乌克兰一起并肩作战。(图片来源:Stefanie Loos-Pool/Getty Images)

【看中国2022年2月25日讯】(看中国记者闻天清编译/综合报导)俄罗斯总统普京下令出兵导致乌克兰危机彻底爆发,美国、北大西洋公约组织(简称:北约,NATO)均强烈谴责俄罗斯入侵行为,但均无意派遣军队入驻乌克兰。乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)在电视讲话中称,没有人与乌克兰一起并肩作战。
法新社报导,当地时间2月25日,乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)向全国发表视频讲话宣称,在俄罗斯发动大规模入侵军事行动后,在第一天包括士兵和平民在内的137名乌克兰人身亡,另有316人受伤。乌克兰目前依旧是独自与俄罗斯军队作战。“我们一直在独自保卫自己的国家。”

泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)说,“有谁准备与我们一起并肩作战?我没有看到任何国家愿意这样做。有谁准备承诺保证乌克兰定会加入北约(NATO)?每个成员国对此都感到害怕。”虽然俄罗斯将他列为“头号目标人物”,俄罗斯试图通过推翻国家元首在政治上摧毁乌克兰,但他与自己的家人依然留在乌克兰。


美国媒体The Hill报导,乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)声称,俄罗斯袭击了乌克兰,而乌克兰人几乎捍卫了整个领土,并夺回了敌人想方设法占领的地方。乌克兰得到了世界各国领导人的支持,但在捍卫国家主权和领土过程中却被孤立了。

泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)说:“有谁愿意和我们一起战斗?老实说,我不这么认为。”

在谈及乌克兰加入北约(NATO)的可能性时,泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)表示问过乌克兰的盟友,“ 你和我们在一起吗?他们回答说他们和我们在一起。但他们还没有准备好将我们带入联盟(北约 NATO)。”

泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)说:“我问欧盟27位成员国领导人,乌克兰是否会加入北约。我直接问。每个人都害怕,他们不回答。”

他说,乌克兰兹米尼岛(Zmiinyi Island)的士兵没有放弃战斗,一直坚持到最后,他们全部都英勇牺牲了,都将被追授“乌克兰英雄”的称号。目前乌克兰国家命运完全取决于乌克兰人自己。

据北约(NATO)官网消息,2月24日,北约秘书长延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)因为乌克兰危机与欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)和欧洲理事会主席查尔斯·米歇尔(Charles Michel)进行会晤,并商讨了俄罗斯对乌克兰持续的军事攻击问题。北约(NATO)与欧盟一致强烈谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的军事行动,支持乌克兰国家主权和领土完整。

台湾中央社报导,在2月24日新闻记者会上,北约(NATO)秘书长史托腾柏格(Jens Stoltenberg)发表声明称,俄罗斯使用武力破坏乌克兰自由独立之路,企图改写历史,并已经打破了欧洲和平。因为乌克兰境内没有任何北约成员国的军队,该组织没有计划派遣北约军队进入乌克兰。

对于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的军事行动,北约将采取吓阻俄罗斯和防御性措施,如命令超过100架以上战机进入高度戒备,继续增派北约反应部队(NATO Response Force)在内的军队进驻欧洲东翼等。

美国福克斯新闻(Fox News)报导,美国已经增加派遣7,000名士兵入驻德国。对此,拜登认为此举有助于吓阻俄罗斯入侵潜在的北约盟国。

美国白宫官网消息,2月23日,白宫发言人莎琪(Jen Psaki)在新闻媒体记者会上称,对于乌克兰危机,美国总统拜登没有计划派遣美军进入乌克兰参战,尽管俄罗斯试图分裂美国与美国盟友,但美国重点不在乌克兰政治方面,而是在于如何防止战争。


送交者: 拜登女兒-與父共浴! 于 February 25, 2022 08:55:48:

美国北约无意参战 泽连斯基:无人与乌克兰并肩作战(图)
2022-02-25 18:58
手机版 正体 17个留言 打印 特大 大 中 小
标 签 :

乌克兰总统泽连斯基在电视讲话中称,没有人与乌克兰一起并肩作战。(图片来源:Stefanie Loos-Pool/Getty Images)

【看中国2022年2月25日讯】(看中国记者闻天清编译/综合报导)俄罗斯总统普京下令出兵导致乌克兰危机彻底爆发,美国、北大西洋公约组织(简称:北约,NATO)均强烈谴责俄罗斯入侵行为,但均无意派遣军队入驻乌克兰。乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)在电视讲话中称,没有人与乌克兰一起并肩作战。
法新社报导,当地时间2月25日,乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)向全国发表视频讲话宣称,在俄罗斯发动大规模入侵军事行动后,在第一天包括士兵和平民在内的137名乌克兰人身亡,另有316人受伤。乌克兰目前依旧是独自与俄罗斯军队作战。“我们一直在独自保卫自己的国家。”

泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)说,“有谁准备与我们一起并肩作战?我没有看到任何国家愿意这样做。有谁准备承诺保证乌克兰定会加入北约(NATO)?每个成员国对此都感到害怕。”虽然俄罗斯将他列为“头号目标人物”,俄罗斯试图通过推翻国家元首在政治上摧毁乌克兰,但他与自己的家人依然留在乌克兰。


美国媒体The Hill报导,乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)声称,俄罗斯袭击了乌克兰,而乌克兰人几乎捍卫了整个领土,并夺回了敌人想方设法占领的地方。乌克兰得到了世界各国领导人的支持,但在捍卫国家主权和领土过程中却被孤立了。

泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)说:“有谁愿意和我们一起战斗?老实说,我不这么认为。”


Added: In Putin's eyes - Biden is a fart. In Xittler's eyes - Biden is a dog. In fact, Biden is an incestuous animal
The following information has been added to the forum:
Pen name: Biden's Daughter - Bathing with Father!
Headline: In Putin's eyes - Biden is a fart. In Xittler's eyes - Biden is a dog. In fact, Biden is a beast of ashes and incest

Answer: Author: Yang Guang----Tianjin vs. Shenzhen Qingshuihe Explosion Case Revealed by Manchurian Remains-Yang Guang on December 04, 2022 07:01:14:

In Putin's eyes - Biden is a fart. In Xittler's eyes - Biden is a dog. In fact, Biden is an incestuous animal

Sent by: Biden's Daughter - Bathing with Father! On February 25, 2022 08:55:48:

US NATO has no intention of participating in the war
Zelensky : No one is fighting side by side
with Ukraine crisis

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a televised address that no one is fighting with Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a televised address that no one is fighting with Ukraine. (Image credit: Stefanie Loos-Pool/Getty Images)

[Look at China, February 25, 2022] (Watch Chinese reporter Wen Tianqing compile/comprehensive report) Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order to send troops led to the complete outbreak of the Ukraine crisis. The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (abbreviation: NATO, NATO) strongly condemned Russian invasion, but neither has any intention of sending troops to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a televised address that no one is fighting with Ukraine.
No one is fighting side by side with Ukraine Agence France-
Presse reported that on February 25 local time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a video speech to the whole country, declaring that after Russia launched a large-scale military invasion, on the first day 137 Ukrainians, including soldiers and civilians, were killed and 316 others were wounded. Ukraine is still fighting the Russian military alone. "We've been defending our country alone."

Volodymyr Zelensky said, "Who is ready to fight with us? I don't see any country willing to do that. Who is ready to promise that Ukraine will definitely join NATO? They are all scared." He remained with his family in Ukraine, despite Russia listing him as its "top target" as it seeks to destroy Ukraine politically by overthrowing the head of state.

Zelensky issued a warning that Russian "sabotage organizations" had entered Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and called on Kyiv residents to remain vigilant and abide by martial law.

The US media The Hill reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Russia attacked Ukraine and that the Ukrainians defended almost the entire territory and took back places that the enemy tried to occupy. Ukraine has the support of world leaders but has been isolated in defense of its sovereignty and territory.

Volodymyr Zelensky said: "Who wants to fight with us? Honestly, I don't think so."

Speaking about the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, Volodymyr Zelensky said he asked Ukraine's allies, "Are you with us? They said they were with us. But they haven't." Ready to bring us into the alliance (NATO)."

Volodymyr Zelensky said: "I asked the leaders of the 27 member states of the European Union whether Ukraine would join NATO. I asked directly. Everyone was afraid, they did not answer."

He said that the soldiers on Zmiinyi Island in Ukraine did not give up fighting and persisted until the end. They all died heroically and will be posthumously awarded the title of "Ukrainian Hero". At present, the fate of the Ukrainian state depends entirely on the Ukrainians themselves.

The United States and NATO have no intention of sending troops to Ukraine
. According to NATO's official website, on February 24, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (Jens Stoltenberg) met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen over the Ukraine crisis. (Ursula von der Leyen) and European Council President Charles Michel met to discuss Russia's ongoing military attack on Ukraine. NATO and the European Union strongly condemn Russia's military action against Ukraine and support Ukraine's national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported that at a press conference on February 24, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg issued a statement saying that Russia used force to sabotage Ukraine’s road to freedom and independence in an attempt to rewrite history and has broken peace in Europe. The organization has no plans to send NATO troops into Ukraine because there are no troops from any NATO member country in Ukraine.

For Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, NATO will take deterrent and defensive measures, such as ordering more than 100 warplanes to be put on high alert, and continue to send more troops, including NATO Response Force, to the east wing of Europe, etc. .

Fox News reported that the United States has sent an additional 7,000 troops to Germany. In this regard, Biden believes that this move will help deter Russia from invading potential NATO allies.

White House official website news, on February 23, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said at a news media press conference that for the Ukraine crisis, US President Biden has no plans to send US troops into Ukraine to participate in the war, although Russia is trying to divide the United States and the United States. Allies, but the focus of the United States is not on Ukrainian politics, but on how to prevent war.

Source: Watch China

In Putin's eyes - Biden is a fart. In Xittler's eyes - Biden is a dog.
In fact, Biden is a beast of incest
. On February 25, 2022 08:55:48:

US NATO has no intention of participating in the war
Zelensky : No one is fighting
with Ukraine crisis

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a televised address that no one is fighting with Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a televised address that no one is fighting with Ukraine. (Image credit: Stefanie Loos-Pool/Getty Images)

[Look at China, February 25, 2022] (Watch Chinese reporter Wen Tianqing compile/comprehensive report) Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order to send troops led to the complete outbreak of the Ukraine crisis. The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (abbreviation: NATO, NATO) strongly condemned Russian invasion, but neither has any intention of sending troops to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a televised address that no one is fighting with Ukraine.
No one is fighting side by side with Ukraine Agence France-
Presse reported that on February 25 local time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a video speech to the whole country, declaring that after Russia launched a large-scale military invasion, on the first day 137 Ukrainians, including soldiers and civilians, were killed and 316 others were wounded. Ukraine is still fighting the Russian military alone. "We've been defending our country alone."

Volodymyr Zelensky said, "Who is ready to fight with us? I don't see any country willing to do that. Who is ready to promise that Ukraine will definitely join NATO? They are all scared." He remained with his family in Ukraine, despite Russia listing him as its "top target" as it seeks to destroy Ukraine politically by overthrowing the head of state.

Zelensky issued a warning that Russian "sabotage organizations" had entered Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and called on Kyiv residents to remain vigilant and abide by martial law.

The US media The Hill reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Russia attacked Ukraine and that the Ukrainians defended almost the entire territory and took back places that the enemy tried to occupy. Ukraine has the support of world leaders but has been isolated in defense of its sovereignty and territory.

Volodymyr Zelensky said: "Who wants to fight with us? Honestly, I don't think so."

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