“活要见人,死要见尸”,高智晟被失踪2千多天 耿和吁世界认清中共的狰狞面目!


送交者: 连绑匪都不如的共匪 于 March 17, 2024 09:12:34:


陈光诚 Guangcheng Chen
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回答: 高智晟 世界各国际吁制裁中共!圍剿共匪,殲滅共匪! 由 《願榮光歸高智晟》 于 August 14, 2021 08:10:16:

高智晟被失踪2000天 耿和吁世界认清中共

中国著名维权律师高智晟已被中共强制失踪2000多天,至今生死不明。( SAM YEH/AFP via Getty Images)
更新 2020-05-10 3:59 AM 人气 8964 标签: 高智晟, 耿和, 失踪, 中国良心, 维权律师 Facebook Twitter Line 复制链接 Print【字号】 大 中 小正体 简体






















发表时间: 18/04/2021 - 10:44

中国维权律师高智晟截至4月18日已被“强制失踪”1143天 © 网络照片
香港特约记者 甄树基
8 分钟
中国维权律师高智晟失踪逾三年妻子耿和质疑遭中共非法关押致死,并发声明“活要见人,死要见尸” 。


多年来遭中国当局迫害的维权律师高智晟,自 2017 年失踪至今一直下落不明。他流亡美国的妻子耿和昨(15 日)在 Twitter 发文指,怀疑高智晟已死于中共的非法关押。她声明指,如果高智晟已身亡,则请求中共出于人道主义送还骨灰;假如未死,则请中国大使馆发放签证,让她回国与丈夫一起坐牢,明言“我不会放弃,活要见人,死要见尸”。

耿和发文指,今年 4 月 14 日已是高智晟失踪的第 1139 天,过去当局多次“躲闪推诿”,从未明确告知高智晟身在何处,期间一直未能见面,没有回家也没有电话,故“我有理由怀疑高智晟已死在于中共的非法关押中”。



56 岁的高智晟是陕西榆林市佳县人,1996 年起长期为内地弱势群体维权,是中国维权律师的领军人物,一度被官方媒体评为“全国十佳荣誉律师”。他因长期替弱势群体维权打官司,尤其是为法轮功学员、基督教会成员呼吁,而遭中共迫害。他在 2006 年被以“煽颠罪”判处 3 年徒刑,缓刑 5 年,其后缓刑被撤销,在狱中遭酷刑折磨。

2007 年,高智晟发表《致美国国会公开信》,描述中国人权实况、呼吁美国抵制 08 年北京奥运,不久后遭持续酷刑近两个月。2009 年 2 月起,他与外界失联近两年。在国际压力下,他在 2010 年 4 月一度现身北京,接受美联社采访,后再度与外界失联 20 个月,美联社因此披露高又受到长期严重的非人道酷刑。2014 年出狱后被软禁。 2017 年 5 月他发表一份《中国人权报告》,记述中国严峻的人权现状,包括当局对公民政治权利及宗教自由的迫害。他又将狱中的经历写成书,由家人在台湾出版。2017 年 8 月 13 日,他从陕西榆林家中神秘失踪,之后没有音讯。

他的妻子耿和于 2009 年 1 月携同儿女逃亡美国,其后持续在 Twitter 发文呼吁国际社会关注丈夫处境。她今年 1 月时对外证实,高智晟的姐姐在去年 5 月自杀身亡,生前亦一直因弟弟的处境而担惊受怕、忧郁成疾,引述国内家人指,高智晟姐姐一家长期被监控,活在恐惧之中,已是第三次跳河自杀,最终不幸离世。

高智晟再被失踪四年 全球退党中心副主席:民族典范,中華希望! - 他是中国士大夫典范 (6777 bytes) 21:49:12 8/15/21 (0)
陈光诚:美国世界齐施压 高智晟律师可望获自由!中共不亡,自由無望! - 拜登就是習特勒的狗 (3933 bytes) 21:46:38 8/15/21 (0)
联邦政府大总统袁红冰与高贵的灵魂对话——为高智晟《中华联邦共和国宪法》序 - 中华联邦政府大总统 (23009 bytes) 08:15:30 8/14/21 (9)
高智晟女儿联合国发言 吁国际社会施压中共,圍剿共匪,殲滅匪幫! - BBC-CNN-CCP-VOA-RFI (31059 bytes) 08:18:07 8/14/21 (8)
中华聫邦大总统 高智晟: 每个生命的牺牲都是这民族站起来的沉重代价 - 上帝的牧者高智晟 (13067 bytes) 08:37:53 8/14/21 (0)
国际特赦-上帝的使者高智晟遇绑匪失踪逾1477天,(四年) 国际特赦吁中共立即释放! - 共匪是跨囯犯罪集團 (15467 bytes) 08:36:06 8/14/21 (0)
第一步論壇:高智晟獲“沙赫巴茲﹒巴蒂自由獎”,等于宣判了共产党-習特勒的绞刑!!! - 高智晟=真理道路生命 (12415 bytes) 08:32:55 8/14/21 (0)
中國十佳律師-上帝的使者- 真理道路生命之神-給共匪送終的中华聫邦大总统高智晟 - 维基百科 (41913 bytes) 08:31:08 8/14/21 (0)
超越恐懼:高智晟被失蹤已三年多, 妻耿和抵港籲港人「反送中」堅持到底。 - 美国民主党都是人渣 (15104 bytes) 08:29:04 8/14/21 (0)
被殘酷迫害至今又遇到了绑匪的高智晟律師仍生死成謎-上帝的使者高智晟你在哪里? - 《借鏡德國》劉威良 (17242 bytes) 08:26:56 8/14/21 (0)
高智晟妻子耿和给世界律师大会的公开信——请帮助寻找你们的同行高智晟先生在哪里? - 牠们都是共匪的狗! (20473 bytes) 08:23:57 8/14/21 (0)
上帝派遣的使者-先知高智晟-中共国的自由圣火-黑夜-黑頭套-共產黨黑幫綁架 - 上帝的執杖者高智晟 (29641 bytes) 08:20:42 8/14/21 (0)


"Live to see people, die to see corpses", Gao Zhisheng was missing for more than 1,000 days Geng He urged the world to recognize the hideous face of the CCP!
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Submitted by: Communist bandits worse than kidnappers on July 06, 2022 11:17:11:

Answer: Gao Zhisheng has been missing for four years, the world calls for sanctions against the CCP! Encircle and suppress the communist bandits, annihilate the communist bandits! Posted by "Glory to Gao Zhisheng" on August 14, 2021 08:10:16:

Gao Zhisheng was missing for 1,000 days, Geng He called on the world to recognize the CCP
Gao Zhisheng was missing for 1,000 days, Geng He called on the world to recognize the CCP
Gao Zhisheng, a famous human rights lawyer in China, has been forcibly disappeared by the CCP for more than 1,000 days, and his life and death are still unknown. (SAM YEH/AFP via Getty Images)
Updated 2020-05-10 3:59 AM Popularity 8964 Tags: Gao Zhisheng, Geng He, missing, China Conscience, Human Rights Lawyer Facebook Twitter Line Copy Link Print【Font Size】 Large Medium Small Regular Simplified
[Epoch Times, May 10, 2020] (The Epoch Times reporters Hong Ning and Zhang Bei interviewed and reported) Gao Zhisheng, a famous Chinese human rights lawyer, has been forcibly disappeared by the CCP for 1,000 days, and his life and death are still unknown. Lawyer Gao's wife, Ms. Geng He, ran around to rescue her husband, describing herself as "tears that are almost dry, and my heart is like burnt wood".

The CCP has concealed the whereabouts of Gao Zhisheng
Geng He told The Epoch Times that in the past three years, various departments of the Communist Party of China have played around with information about Gao Zhisheng's whereabouts, but there is no truth to it.

She had entrusted lawyers Zhang Lei and Yan Xin from Beijing. The two lawyers went to the Beijing General Bureau of Prisons to inquire about which prison Gao Zhisheng was sent to. The lawyer went to the two public security bureaus in Gao Zhisheng's hometown to inquire, and the other party claimed to "don't know".

Geng He said that family members in China were also held hostage by the CCP. "My family didn't dare to answer my phone," she said. "I just asked my family for the phone number of the local public security officer, and I went to find them. My family didn't dare to give it, and the harassment continued after they said it."

As of May 9, Gao Zhisheng has been missing for 1,000 days. Geng He posted a picture of "Freedom Gao Zhisheng" on Twitter that day, and wrote sadly, "With 1,000 days and nights, 1,000 torments, Gao Zhisheng has evaporated from the world for 1,000 days. Heaven descends into the earth, nowhere to look. , I asked the sky, I was speechless and choked. Tears are almost draining, and my heart is like scorched wood. Gao Zhisheng, where are you?"

Geng He said that he was very worried that the CCP would be unfavorable to Gao Zhisheng and that he would have an accident. She didn't dare to think about it, she felt uncomfortable when she thought about it.

She said, "Gao Zhisheng is now free, and he should go home. Why not let him go home? It's unreasonable. We have been looking for Gao Zhisheng for more than ten years, and it has become the norm in our lives."

Gao Zhisheng has been detained and persecuted by the CCP for 12 years. He has been persecuted for more time than his professional life. Geng He lamented, "How many 12 years are there in one's life?" "What an abnormal society."

Daughter Gege walks out of the psychological shadow
To Geng He's relief, her daughter Gege finally got out of the psychological shadow this incident caused her. She now understands the difficulty of her mother, cares about her brother, and truly understands her father.

When they were in China, the mother and son were implicated and persecuted because of Gao Zhisheng; after arriving in the United States, the CCP did not stop. Grid chose a university when she applied for the university entrance examination, but she received a notice from the school when she started the semester that she had attended Renmin University of China, so she was not qualified to attend this university. Later, they found out Grid's high school grades in the United States, and the school knew that someone wrote a letter to deliberately cause trouble.

Geng He is full of guilt and sadness for the children, because they are all growing up in the process of finding their father. She said that when Grid came to the United States, she was psychologically traumatized, and she was forced to have a lot of unhappiness over the years, but she has come out now.

After lawyer Wang Quanzhang and his family were reunited, Grid retweeted the video of their family of three embracing, and wrote, "After 12 years, I just hope that my strong mother is waiting for this day and can rely on the backbone of her heart. , Anxin accompanies her to spend every tomorrow's husband in her life. I hope my sensitive brother can wait to accompany his father who holds his hand and advises him on the multiple-choice questions of life. I hope to have an inseparable one family. Blessings."

This tweet moved Geng He. She said, "I am really relieved now, I feel that my daughter has finally come out, and my heart has calmed down a lot. I used to feel impetuous with the child. I think we will get better and better. The only thing is My hope is that Gao Zhisheng can get news and accompany his two children." She also believed that the children would be very filial to their father.

Continue to promote the search for Gao Zhisheng
During the three years that Gao Zhisheng was missing, Geng He kept running and calling for rescue, and he never gave up even if he didn't wait for news.

She also participated in the activities of the people of Hong Kong guarding their homes last year and has continued to this day. She hopes to know Gao Zhisheng's whereabouts in these major events.

Recently, the epidemic in the United States has been severe. She and her friends have made a lot of masks and sent them to those in need. She "was very sad to see that many local Americans did not wear masks," so she went to the supermarket near her home to distribute to the public.

She said, "The virus created by the CCP is raging all over the world. I hope that all countries in the world will see the CCP clearly and know the CCP."

Geng He said that she will promote the search for Gao Zhisheng again recently.

Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is known as "China's conscience". He has represented Falun Gong practitioners in litigation, Shanwei Dongzhou Incident and many other sensitive cases. Since 2006, he has been kidnapped, tortured and sentenced many times by the authorities. His wife and children have also been threatened, beaten, and even threatened with death. In 2009, Geng He was forced to flee China with his children.

After Geng He went abroad, Gao Zhisheng was taken away by the police from his home in Shaanxi on February 4, 2009, and he lost contact with the outside world for nearly two years. In April 2010, he briefly appeared in Beijing for an interview with the Associated Press. On December 16, 2011, the Chinese Communist Party officially released an English-language newsletter claiming that Gao Zhisheng had been sent back to prison to serve another 3 years; after that, he was missing for another 22 months. In 2014, Gao Zhisheng was placed under continuous house arrest after being released from prison. He disappeared again on August 13, 2017, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Responsible editor: Lin Shiyuan#

"Live to see people, die to see corpses" Gao Zhisheng's wife Geng He said he would never give up

Posted: 18/04/2021 - 10:44

Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng has been "forcibly disappeared" for 1,143 days as of April 18
Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng has been "forcibly disappeared" for 1,143 days as of April 18 © Network Photo
Hong Kong Special Correspondent Zhen Shuji
8 minutes
Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng's wife, Geng He, who has been missing for more than three years, questioned that she was illegally detained by the CCP and died.


Gao Zhisheng, a human rights lawyer who has been persecuted by Chinese authorities for years, has been missing since he disappeared in 2017. His exiled wife, Geng He, posted on Twitter yesterday (15th) that he suspected that Gao Zhisheng had died in the CCP’s illegal detention. She stated that if Gao Zhisheng was dead, she would ask the CCP to return the ashes out of humanitarianism; if she was not dead, she would ask the Chinese embassy to issue a visa to let her go back to China and go to jail with her husband. When you see people, you will see corpses when you die.”

Geng He posted that April 14 this year was the 1139th day of Gao Zhisheng's disappearance. In the past, the authorities "dodged and evaded" many times, never clearly telling Gao Zhisheng where he was. There is no telephone, so "I have reason to suspect that Gao Zhisheng has died in the CCP's illegal detention."

She issued a statement asking the Chinese authorities to explain whether Gao Zhisheng was alive or dead, and pointed out that if Gao Zhisheng was indeed dead, she asked the CCP to return Gao Zhisheng's ashes out of humanitarianism; if not, "I have raised my two children myself. As an adult, I am determined to go back to China, go to jail with my husband Gao Zhisheng, and ask the Chinese embassy to issue me a visa to enter China in accordance with the Sino-US consular agreement."

She finally stated, "I will not give up, I want to see people in life, and I want to see corpses in death." If these two humble requirements cannot be met, she said that she will retain the right to take the next step.

Gao Zhisheng, a 56-year-old native of Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, has been defending the rights of disadvantaged groups in the mainland for a long time since 1996. He is a leading human rights lawyer in China and was once named one of the “Top Ten Honorary Lawyers in China” by the official media. He was persecuted by the CCP for long-term lawsuits for the rights protection of vulnerable groups, especially for Falun Gong practitioners and members of the Christian church. In 2006, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for "incitement to subversion", suspended for 5 years, after which the suspension was revoked and he was tortured in prison.

In 2007, Gao Zhisheng published an "Open Letter to the U.S. Congress" describing China's human rights situation and calling on the U.S. to boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Soon after, he was tortured for nearly two months. Since February 2009, he has lost contact with the outside world for nearly two years. Under international pressure, he once appeared in Beijing in April 2010 to be interviewed by the Associated Press, and then lost contact with the outside world for 20 months. He was placed under house arrest after being released from prison in 2014. In May 2017, he published a "Report on Human Rights in China", describing the dire human rights situation in China, including the authorities' persecution of citizens' political rights and religious freedom. He also wrote a book about his experience in prison, which was published by his family in Taiwan. On August 13, 2017, he mysteriously disappeared from his home in Yulin, Shaanxi, and has not been heard from since.

His wife, Geng He, fled to the United States with their children in January 2009, and continued to post on Twitter calling on the international community to pay attention to her husband's situation. She confirmed in January this year that Gao Zhisheng's sister committed suicide in May last year. She had been frightened and depressed because of her brother's situation before her death. She quoted domestic family members as saying that Gao Zhisheng's sister's family had been under surveillance for a long time and lived in fear. It was the third time that he committed suicide by jumping into a river, and he passed away unfortunately.

All follow ups:
Gao Zhisheng was missing for another four years. Vice Chairman of the Global Center for Quitting the CCP: National Model, Hope for China! - He is a model of Chinese scholar-officials (6777 bytes) 21:49:12 8/15/21 (0)
Chen Guangcheng: The U.S. and the world put pressure on lawyer Gao Zhisheng to be free!
The President of the Federal Government Yuan Hongbing and the Noble Soul Dialogue - Preface to Gao Zhisheng's Constitution of the Federal Republic of China - President of the Federal Government of the People's Republic of China (23009 bytes) 08:15:30 8/14/21 (9)
Gao Zhisheng's daughter speaks at the United Nations, calling on the international community to put pressure on the CCP to encircle and suppress the CCP bandits and annihilate the bandits! - BBC-CNN-CCP-VOA-RFI (31059 bytes) 08:18:07 8/14/21 (8)
Gao Zhisheng, President of the Chinese State: Every sacrifice of life is a heavy price for this nation to stand up - God's Shepherd Gao Zhisheng (13067 bytes) 08:37:53 8/14/21 (0)
Amnesty International - God's messenger Gao Zhisheng disappeared for more than 1477 days after being kidnapped, (four years) Amnesty International calls on the CCP to release it immediately! - The CCP is a transnational criminal group (15467 bytes) 08:36:06 8/14/21 (0)
The first forum: Gao Zhisheng won the "Shahbaz-Bhatti Freedom Award", which is equivalent to the sentence of the Communist Party-Xitler's hanging! ! ! - Gao Zhisheng = Life on the Way of Truth (12415 bytes) 08:32:55 8/14/21 (0)
China's Top Ten Lawyers-Messenger of God-God of the Way of Truth and Life-Gao Zhisheng, the President of the Chinese Empire who sent the CCP bandits to death - Wikipedia (41913 bytes) 08:31:08 8/14/21 (0)
Beyond Fear: Gao Zhisheng has been missing for more than three years, and his wife Geng He arrived in Hong Kong to call on Hong Kong people to "reverse extradition" to the end. - American Democrats are scumbags (15104 bytes) 08:29:04 8/14/21 (0)
The life and death of lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who was brutally persecuted and met with his kidnappers, is still a mystery - where are you, Gao Zhisheng, messenger of God? - "Borrowing Germany" Liu Weiliang (17242 bytes) 08:26:56 8/14/21 (0)
An open letter from Gao Zhisheng's wife Geng He to the World Lawyers Conference - Please help to find where is your colleague, Mr. Gao Zhisheng? - They are all CCP dogs! (20473 bytes) 08:23:57 8/14/21 (0)
The messenger sent by God-the Prophet Gao Zhisheng-the torch of freedom of the CCP-the dark night-black hood-the kidnapping of the Communist gangster-God's stickman Gao Zhisheng (29641 bytes) 08:20:42 8/14/21 (0)

All follow ups:




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