

送交者: 拜登家跌入死牢! 于 April 02, 2024 09:32:02:

2022-07-02 17:09
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图为2020年6月30日,美国总统拜登在结束于西班牙马德里召开的北约峰会后,回到华盛顿DC的白宫,受到他的孙子、孙女们的欢迎。(图片来源:Alex Wong/Getty Images)
图为2020年6月30日,美国总统拜登在结束于西班牙马德里召开的北约峰会后,回到华盛顿DC的白宫,受到他的孙子、孙女们的欢迎。(图片来源:Alex Wong/Getty Images)

据《国会山》的消息,哈佛CAPS-哈里斯民意调查(Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll)6月底在登记选民中进行的一项最新民调结果显示,71%的美国人认为拜登不应该连任,只有29%认为他应该参加2024大选竞选连任。


哈佛CAPS-哈里斯民意调查的联合主任马克.佩恩(Mark Penn)说:“拜登总统可能想再次竞选,但选民对他第二个任期的想法说‘不’,批评了他作为总统所做的工作。甚至只有30%的民主党人会在民主党总统初选中投票给他。”




但是该民调也表明,川普仍然是共和党内最有影响力的人,而佛罗里达州州长罗恩.德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)是2024年共和党总统候选人中除川普以外的最热门人选。

如果川普决定不参加2024大选的话,在假设的2024年共和党总统初选中,德桑蒂斯在民调中获得了36%的支持率,他最接近的竞争对手是前副总统迈克.彭斯(Mike Pence),彭斯只获得了17%的潜在选票。

其他的共和党潜在候选人的支持率就没有达到两位数的了。参议员特德.克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)和美国前驻联合国大使妮基.黑利(Nikki Haley)都获得了8%的支持率。


哈佛CAPS-哈里斯民意调查的联合主任马克.佩恩说:“罗恩.德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)州长现在是美国一位罕见的政治家——喜欢他的选民多于不喜欢他的选民。他在共和党初选中越来越强大,如果川普不参选,他(德桑蒂斯)将赢得胜利,如果他(德桑蒂斯)参选,初选可能会接受他。”


同样在6月底由艾默生学院(Emerson College)进行的一项最新民意调查显示,在假设的2024年总统大选中,如果川普和拜登再次正面对决的话,川普会以44%对39%的优势领先拜登,另外有12%的选民表示他们计划投票给其他人。




送交者: 美国民主党都是人渣 于 July 02, 2022 12:00:20:

2022-07-02 17:09
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图为2020年6月30日,美国总统拜登在结束于西班牙马德里召开的北约峰会后,回到华盛顿DC的白宫,受到他的孙子、孙女们的欢迎。(图片来源:Alex Wong/Getty Images)
图为2020年6月30日,美国总统拜登在结束于西班牙马德里召开的北约峰会后,回到华盛顿DC的白宫,受到他的孙子、孙女们的欢迎。(图片来源:Alex Wong/Getty Images)

据《国会山》的消息,哈佛CAPS-哈里斯民意调查(Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll)6月底在登记选民中进行的一项最新民调结果显示,71%的美国人认为拜登不应该连任,只有29%认为他应该参加2024大选竞选连任。


哈佛CAPS-哈里斯民意调查的联合主任马克.佩恩(Mark Penn)说:“拜登总统可能想再次竞选,但选民对他第二个任期的想法说‘不’,批评了他作为总统所做的工作。甚至只有30%的民主党人会在民主党总统初选中投票给他。”




但是该民调也表明,川普仍然是共和党内最有影响力的人,而佛罗里达州州长罗恩.德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)是2024年共和党总统候选人中除川普以外的最热门人选。

如果川普决定不参加2024大选的话,在假设的2024年共和党总统初选中,德桑蒂斯在民调中获得了36%的支持率,他最接近的竞争对手是前副总统迈克.彭斯(Mike Pence),彭斯只获得了17%的潜在选票。

其他的共和党潜在候选人的支持率就没有达到两位数的了。参议员特德.克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)和美国前驻联合国大使妮基.黑利(Nikki Haley)都获得了8%的支持率。


Seventy percent of Americans do not want Biden to be re-elected. Eighty percent of Americans want it dead. 90% of Americans know that Biden picks ashes and incest
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Sent by: The Biden family fell to death row! On July 28, 2023 05:22:11:

70 % of
Americans do not want Biden to be re - elected as president

The picture shows that on June 30, 2020, after the NATO summit held in Madrid, Spain, US President Biden returned to the White House in Washington, DC, and was welcomed by his grandsons and granddaughters. (Photo source: Alex Wong/Getty Images)
On June 30, 2020, U.S. President Joe Biden returned to the White House in Washington DC after the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, and was welcomed by his grandsons and granddaughters . (Image credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

[Look at China, July 2, 2022] (compiled by special correspondent Cheng Wen/comprehensive report) According to a new opinion poll, 70% (71%) of Americans say they do not want President Biden to be re-elected because he has done a good job Too bad, or too old. At the same time, Biden's approval rating continues to be low, and his Democratic Party is expected to face a significant loss in the midterm elections in November this year.
According to "Capitol Hill" news, the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll (Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll) conducted a new poll among registered voters at the end of June, showing that 71% of Americans believe that Biden should not be re-elected, Only 29% think he should run for re-election in the 2024 general election.

Among those who think Biden should not run for re-election, 45% think Biden is a bad president, about a third think he is too old, and about a quarter think it's time for a change. Biden is now 79 years old. If he runs for re-election in 2024, he will be 81 years old by then.

Mark A., co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. Mark Penn said: "President Biden may want to run again, but voters say 'no' to the idea of ​​his second term, criticizing the job he's doing as president. Even only 30% of Democrats would Vote for him in the Democratic presidential primary."

The development comes as Biden continues to suffer from low approval ratings. The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that President Biden's overall approval rating was 38%, and other areas of support were also quite low: 28% for dealing with inflation, 32% for handling the economy, 43% for stimulating employment, and 43% for handling the new crown virus ( COVID-19) Great Plague 50%.

Given Biden's low approval ratings and the historical precedent of broad midterm election losses for first-term presidents' parties, Democrats are already bracing for their loss this November.

Regarding whether former President Trump should run for president again in 2024, the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that 61% of respondents said they should not, and 39% said they should.

But the poll also showed that Trump remains the most influential person in the Republican Party, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is the 2024 Republican presidential nominee's favorite outside of Trump.

If Trump decides not to run in the 2024 election, in the hypothetical 2024 Republican presidential primary, DeSantis has 36% support in the polls. His closest competitor is former Vice President Mike. Mike Pence, Pence only got 17% of the potential vote.

No other potential Republican candidate has double-digit approval ratings. Senator Ted. Ted Cruz and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki. Haley (Nikki Haley) received 8% approval rating.

Should Trump decide to launch a 2024 comeback campaign, he remains the clear favorite among Republican voters. Fifty-six percent of Republican voters in the poll said they would support Trump. In this case, DeSantis received only 16% of the vote, while Pence's support dropped to 7%.

Mark A., co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. "Governor Ron DeSantis is one of those rare statesmen in America right now -- he has more voters who like him than dislike him," Payne said. "He's going from strength to strength in the Republican primary, If Trump doesn't run, he (DeSantis) will win, and if he (DeSantis) does, the primaries will probably accept him."

A rising star in the Republican Party, DeSantis has never said or hinted that he will or will not run in the 2024 presidential election, saying he is focused only on the governor's re-election campaign in this year's midterm elections.

A new poll, also conducted at the end of June by Emerson College, found that in the hypothetical 2024 presidential election, if Trump and Biden were to face off again, Trump would win by 44% to 39%. Leading ahead of Biden, another 12% of voters said they planned to vote for someone else.

Trump's approval ratings have remained firm since May, while Biden's has declined. The same poll at the time showed Trump leading Biden by a narrow 44 percent to 42 percent in a hypothetical Trump-Biden rematch.

Of course, it remains an open question whether Trump and Biden will materialize on another face-off scenario.

Source: Watch China

Seventy percent of Americans do not want Biden to be re-elected. Eighty percent of Americans want it dead. 90% of Americans know that Biden picks ashes and incest
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sender: The American Democratic Party is a scum on July 02, 2022 12:00:20:

70 % of
Americans do not want Biden to be re - elected as president

The picture shows that on June 30, 2020, after the NATO summit held in Madrid, Spain, US President Biden returned to the White House in Washington, DC, and was welcomed by his grandsons and granddaughters. (Photo source: Alex Wong/Getty Images)
On June 30, 2020, U.S. President Joe Biden returned to the White House in Washington DC after the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, and was welcomed by his grandsons and granddaughters . (Image credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

[Look at China, July 2, 2022] (compiled by special correspondent Cheng Wen/comprehensive report) According to a new opinion poll, 70% (71%) of Americans say they do not want President Biden to be re-elected because he has done a good job Too bad, or too old. At the same time, Biden's approval rating continues to be low, and his Democratic Party is expected to face a significant loss in the midterm elections in November this year.
According to "Capitol Hill" news, the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll (Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll) conducted a new poll among registered voters at the end of June, showing that 71% of Americans believe that Biden should not be re-elected, Only 29% think he should run for re-election in the 2024 general election.

Among those who think Biden should not run for re-election, 45% think Biden is a bad president, about a third think he is too old, and about a quarter think it's time for a change. Biden is now 79 years old. If he runs for re-election in 2024, he will be 81 years old by then.

Mark A., co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. Mark Penn said: "President Biden may want to run again, but voters say 'no' to the idea of ​​his second term, criticizing the job he's doing as president. Even only 30% of Democrats would Vote for him in the Democratic presidential primary."

The development comes as Biden continues to suffer from low approval ratings. The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that President Biden's overall approval rating was 38%, and other areas of support were also quite low: 28% for dealing with inflation, 32% for handling the economy, 43% for stimulating employment, and 43% for handling the new crown virus ( COVID-19) Great Plague 50%.

Given Biden's low approval ratings and the historical precedent of broad midterm election losses for first-term presidents' parties, Democrats are already bracing for their loss this November.

Regarding whether former President Trump should run for president again in 2024, the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that 61% of respondents said they should not, and 39% said they should.

But the poll also showed that Trump remains the most influential person in the Republican Party, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is the 2024 Republican presidential nominee's favorite outside of Trump.

If Trump decides not to run in the 2024 election, in the hypothetical 2024 Republican presidential primary, DeSantis has 36% support in the polls. His closest competitor is former Vice President Mike. Mike Pence, Pence only got 17% of the potential vote.

No other potential Republican candidate has double-digit approval ratings. Senator Ted. Ted Cruz and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki. Haley (Nikki Haley) received 8% approval rating.

Should Trump decide to launch a 2024 comeback campaign, he remains the clear favorite among Republican voters. Fifty-six percent of Republican voters in the poll said they would support Trump. In this case, DeSantis received only 16% of the vote, while Pence's support dropped to 7%.

Mark C., co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. "Governor Ron DeSantis is now a rare politician in America - with more voters who like him than who don't," Payne said. "He's growing stronger in the Republican primary. If Trump doesn't run, he (DeSantis) will win, and if he (DeSantis) runs, the primaries may accept him."

A superstar within the Republican Party, DeSantis has never said or hinted that he will or will not run for president in 2024, saying he is only focused on the gubernatorial re-election campaign in this year's midterm elections.

In a hypothetical 2024 presidential election, Trump would vote 44 percent to 39 percent if Trump and Biden went head-to-head again, according to a new poll by Emerson College, also in late June. The edge is ahead of Biden, with another 12% of voters saying they plan to vote for someone else.

Trump's approval ratings have held up since May, while Biden's has declined. The same poll at the time showed that in a hypothetical Trump-Biden rematch, Trump would lead Biden by a narrow margin of 44% to 42%.

Of course, it's still an open question whether Trump and Biden will achieve a scenario where they face off again.

Source: Watch China

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